Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday January 25, 2009

It has been a cold, sunny day. Nancy and I were able to sleep in, 0656, because for about the fourth straight day it did not snow. Sunday is our swim day and I swam 1050 yards. After swimming we headed for Meijers. Since we will leave on Friday for SC we did not need many groceries. Following our Sunday routine, Nancy fixed poached eggs for breakfast.

I started the GR Press but had to stop for my afternoon nap. I am starting to read "Two Years before the Mast". It is a classic guy book. After reading and napping I went on a short walk.

I called cousin Peg the afternoon and will see her on Wednesday. She has been feeling poorly with a lung infection. I will get full details later.

We are finishing the chili that Nancy made for her book club. It is great and I am looking forward to the meal. This evening we will watch 60 minutes and then at 9 Nancy watches Cold Case. I will be reading my new book.

Ossineke, Mi 1938. It was cold in Ossineke with some freezing rain. They lost power last night 8:30 and did not have it restored until 0600. The school is still closed because the teacher remains sick. (one room school with 1 teacher)

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