Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday January 12, 2009

Only a light snow last night. Shovelling was easy. I drove to the MAC because I had several errands to run. After my exercises I headed home and loaded the Aztek with all sorts of cardboard that I had been saving for recycling. I was amazed at how much cardboard I had. I stopped at Modern Hardware and got some special melting salt to use when the temperature gets below 10 degrees. Nancy is having book club this Wednesday and wants the drive ice free. Tuesday and Wednesday are suppose to be the coldest days of the winter so far. Temperatures below 0 are expected.

I am still setting up my new computer. I do not know how to make a favorites lists in goggle. Any advice? I like windows media center. I have download several Cd's and play them while I am working. I also compiled our end of year financial statement. We, like everybody else, had significant paper losses. I ended the afternoon by walking 2 miles.

Not much good on TV so I am back in the office doing this blog and playing games on the computer. I did get my 30 in today.

January 12, 1938 Ossineke, Mi. Six inches of snow fell. GG's daughter Julia had a church dinner at her house. No mention of the condition of the cow.


Anonymous said...

I'm on pins and needles waiting for more information on the cow.

Anonymous said...

Me too, I need to hear how the cow is doing.