Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday January 6, 2009

Another cold morning. It was 18 degrees when I left for the MAC. After the MAC I drove home grabbed a Time magazine and headed for the Kava House. Since the Free Press has raised their price and decreased the amount of news stories, I have decided to not buy the Free Press but instead read the paper online. Is online 1 word or 2?

My computer is rapidly deteriorating. I called my local computer guy and he said that it is probably cheaper to buy a new one. I drove Nancy to Costco. I filled her car up. Gas was $1.64 a gallon. Also checked out several computers. I like the HP Touch Smart computer. I called SPS and asked him if he could check with his geeks to see if this is a good buy.

This evening Nancy is fixing pork chops with stuffing. I like this meal, especially the stuffing. Tonight we watch NCIS. We are expecting 2-4" of snow tonight. I got my 30 in.

On this date in 1938 GG (great grandfather) had to deal with a very cold day. It was 2 at 0700 and 16 at 7 PM. He worked in the post office in the afternoon. His daughter was the post mistress (Aunt Julia).

GG also had a sick cow. The cow required 2 pails of water at noon and 3/4 pail at 7 PM.


Anonymous said...

I now know how to tend a sick cow.

Online is one word.

Anonymous said...

I now know how to tend a sick cow.

Online is one word.