Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday January 23, 2009

No snow again last night. I walked to the MAC this morning. After my activities at the MAC, I walked to the Kava House. I bought a DFP and they were very mad that Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino did not get a nod for an academy award. Of course the movie was set in Detroit. Today is the day Kim comes to clean so I try to time my arrival back home to her completion time. It worked out great today.

Nancy informed me that we had no red wine for tonight so we went to D&W and got a bottle. The Nameys arrived at 6 and we had a great dinner. Nancy and I agree that we like having just one couple over for dinner. It is easier for conversation and everyone gets time for their input.

Ossineke, Mi 1938. GG noted it was still warm (32) and today is the last day of the carnival in Alpena. Guy and Julia Johnson (GU and GA) visited Laura and John Bingham (GU and GA) in Alpena. My grandparents Robert and Florence Scott were also in attendance. Florence, Laura and Julia were sisters and the daughters of GG Sanborn. John Bingham was the mayor of Alpena.

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