Monday, November 1, 2021

October 31, 2021

 Sunday October 31, 2021

Blog time 1745 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0630.  Drove to Biggby Coffee to get our coffee and a bagel for me.

Our GRP was delivered late today so we did not have a chance to read before heading to church.  As we were leaving we looked out our back window and saw a big buck and 3 doe in the back yard.

Church was not very crowded today.  Folks missed a good Homily.  Today was Reformation Sunday in the Lutheran Church.

After church Nancy and I took a nice ride.  Today we headed mostly north.  The colors were at peak.  We predicted that next Sunday more trees will be bare.

At home Nancy started reading the GRP.  I dressed in biking clothes and headed out on a 7 mile bike ride.  The temperature had risen to 50 so the ride was very pleasant.  First bike ride of the week.

Got home about 1400.  Before showering I looked out the back window and the Buck and does were still in the yard. I was able to get some great shots.  I sent them to kids.

Spent the afternoon reading the papers.  Highlights of the news:

President Biden has spent his time in Rome bragging that the USA is back.  Did we ever leave?

I still don’t know how a universal tax works?  

I do know that I am opposed to any government payment to folks who purchase an electrical vehicle. This is a program for the rich.  If you want an EV you should pay full price.

Headlines in today’s paper had high praise for MSU.  I think it is deserved.

Watched some of the Lions game.  They were miserable.

No nap today.

For dinner tonight we cleaned the refer.  After dinner I fired up the dishwasher.

No 60 Minutes tonight.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Not very good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked courtyard this evening and everything secure.  I was in bed before 2200.

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