Tuesday, November 16, 2021

November 15, 2021

 Monday November 15, 2021

Blog time:  noon at Panera

Up at 0700.  Nancy left at 0800 for her Monday swim at MVP.

I did some light calisthenics at home before breakfast.  No bike today.  I drove to the Y.  Once again the Y was not crowded.  Finished my calisthenics.  For my aerobics today I spent time on the Y’s rowing machine.  I did not experience any hip pain using the rower.  Maybe my winter aerobics will be on rowing machine.

Today is the first day of the fire arms deer season.  Opening day is almost a holiday in northern Mi.  Some small school systems close on opening day.

In my youth my Dad would leave the night before the season opened and head to Hunting Camp.  He would spend a full week at camp.  As I recall I think Dad only shot one deer.  Deer camp was about spending time with male friends.  Drinking, eating and playing cards were the main activities.

My Mom was a Hunter’s Widow.  She and her friends had bridge parties.

Deer hunting was so important that we always had to make the completion date for construction projects Nov 15.  As a practical matter, no workers would show up for the first week of deer season.

It was a miserable day to be outside.  I did run one errand to D&W.  Purchased naan and milk.

Spent most of day in office fiddling around.  Daughters Debbie and Missy keep telling me to check into Facebook because I have several relatives who are active.  I have a Facebook account but never check in.  I will add to my to-do list.

This and that:

Most of the leaves are off the trees.  We won’t see green until the end of April.

In my youth folks would rake their leaves onto the street gutter. The City would pick them up.  It was great fun for us kids to ride our bikes through the leaves scattering them all over the place.  However, one grumpy old man got mad he buried a concrete block in the pile.  Tommy Collins ran into the block and flew over his handle bars.  We lost interest running through the piles.

I still am ignorant of bit coins.  The TV business stations are always talking about bitcoins.  I do know that mining bitcoins requires a tremendous amount of energy.

I think POTUS is moving recklessly into green energy.  Folks still need a fossil fuels to heat their homes and drive their cars.  Wind and solar have reliably problems.

The temperature has been in the 30s nearly every morning for the past week.  Folks are still running and walking in shorts and tees.  BRR!

For dinner tonight I had my standard Monday night bowl of Cheerios.  Also blueberries, apple sauce and baguette.

After the news we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was called “Queens of Mystery”.  The show is entertaining.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Cold in GR, warm in San Jose.

Courtyard was secure when checked just before bed.  No critters spotted.


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