Sunday, November 28, 2021

February 27, 2021

 Saturday November 27, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

We had snow on the ground when looked out at 0700.  The temperature was in high 20s.  

This morning Nancy and I had breakfast at the Gathering Place.  On a cold morning it is great to sit down in a nice warm environment.  My biggest gripe about Panera is that it is always cold.

We took a short ride after breakfast.  We did stop at Panera to get our free coffee.  We took the coffee home.

Dropped Nancy off at home so she can start laundry.  I headed out on some errands.

Stopped at D&W to mail packages to Ca.  Next I stopped at Meijer’s for resupply.

This afternoon Debbie Facetimed.  She had purchased Hulu for us.  Debbie walked us through hooking up Hulu to our Apple TV.  TV.  Thanks Debbie.

This afternoon I mailed a short note to kids.  Walked to the postbox to mail.  It took me 37 minutes so I did get my 20 minutes outside. 

Miles walked 1.34, avg pace per mi 27’41”.  Very slow.

Watched some of the UM and MSU games.  Great to see they both won under difficult weather conditions.

It has snowed all day and we have about 1” on the ground.

Nancy fixed chicken rice soup for dinner.  It was great.

No news tonight.  We watched 2 episodes of “No Offence” on Acorn. 

The snow had accumulated about 1” when checked the Courtyard before bed.  For first time this Fall I got out the snow shovel and cleaned our walks.  I like shoveling snow.  Weird.

Visibility is increased greatly when we have a blanket of snow.  At 2345 I looked out our bedroom window and saw a big buck eating the corn I had put out earlier.  With no snow on the ground the buck would not be visible.

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