Friday, November 19, 2021

November 18, 2021

 Thursday November 18, 2021

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630.  First thing I checked temperature.  It was 35 with a brisk 15mph wind.  My sinus infection is still bothering me so I decided to forego my bike ride.  Don’t want a cold wind blowing on the sinus.

Nancy is not going to MVP today.  She has a 1000 Dentist appointment.  Today they are taking measurements for her implant.  

I have a 1400 appointment with my Dermatologist.  It is my semi annual checkup.

After oatmeal breakfast I drove to the Y.  The Y has several morning group classes that are popular and well attended.  I would classify the classes as body pump and zumba. Most attendees are women.

This and that:

POTUS is telling the Saudis to boost oil production.  He is also limiting the USA from developing our abundant resources. Bad move on the President’s part.  Of course I think he has made several bad moves.

I got a positive report from my Dermatologist.  His parting comment was see you in 6 months.

Does anyone remember County Normal.  In my high school years we had a County Normal school on the top floor of the high school.  High school graduates that wanted to teach in a single room country school had to complete a short course at County Normal about one year, I think.  Completion meant you were eligible to teach in a 1-8 one room county school.

County Normals were discontinued in the late 50s or early 60s. A four year degree is now required to teach.

Both my Grandmothers taught in one room schools.  My Grandmother Scott taught in the Hubbard Lake school.  As was common she roomed at my Great Grandparent Scott’s home.  My Grandparents met when my Grandfather returned to Hubbard Lake for a short visit with his parents.  The rest is history.

We had a light dusting of snow today.  It would be good tracking snow for hunters.  So far this year I have not seen one deer on top of a vehicle.

I still don’t understand bit coins?

Restaurants in GR are still having major staffing problems.  Drive thru like at Starbucks seem to be thriving.  Every day I pass a neighborhood Starbucks and see about 12 cars in line.  I hate a drive thru.

Heated car seat are now a requirement for any car I own.

After my Dermatologist visit Nancy and I spent the rest of the afternoon changing pass words for our financial accounts.

For dinner tonight we had pea soup with cottage cheese and baguettes.  

We watched the news followed by an episode of “The Madame Blanc Mysteries.  Good show.

We FaceTimed Debbie this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose.

It was still snowing when checked Courtyard before bed.  Visibility with snow on ground is greatly enhanced.

Lunar eclipse (partial) tonight.  Good viewing time for GR is 0400.  I think I will miss it.

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