Thursday, November 11, 2021

November 10, 2021

 Wednesday November 10, 2021

Blog time 1315 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  Today is Wednesday my easy day.  Did all my calisthenics at 50% including push-ups and chin-ups.  First time in three weeks for upper body exercises.  No problems.

For breakfast today I biked to Panera a distance of only 3 miles.  Ordered oatmeal and a bagel.  Panera is so short staffed that they do not have any dishwashers.  My breakfast order was delivered in paper bags.  Of course all the tableware is disposal. Not a good dining experience.

This and that from todays reading:

Big problem this hunting season.  No bullets!  That’s right there is a shortage of ammo.

Long time GOP representative from St Joseph, Fred Upton has received death threats for voting for the infrastructure bill.  Good grief where do these crazies come from. I support Rep Upton.

The last KMart in Mi is closing.  It is located in Marshall, Mi.  KMart has its roots in MI.  Sad.

Small school districts in NE Mi are so small they sometimes share Superintendents.  Hillman, 445 total students, and Atlanta, 233 students had such an arrangement.  The Superintendent is leaving.  Tough to fill the gap.  It has to be  difficult to run a small system.  Why not consolidate?

Left Panera at 1000, Pedaled home.  Dropped off backpack and took my Bianchi bike with the internal hub for a 7.5 mile ride.  Ice and snow are coming this week so I took the Bianchi to see if I should put the snow tires on it or my main bike the Cannondale Bad Boy.  The Cannondale wins hands down.

After the ride, showered and then a quick lunch.  Nancy and I have a 1400 appointment to tour a new senior living apartment complex.  The complex has 52 units and is called Clark on Keller Lake.  We were told only 10 unit remain available.

Nancy and I were impressed with the units.  Of course they are brand new so it is difficult to find much fault.  

After our apartment tour we stopped by Fidelity to make sure our accounts are in our trust.  They were just the way our trust attorney wanted.

Spent the rest of the afternoon in office cleaning up.

For dinner tonight we had our normal fare of Cheerios and fruit.

Watched the news and then we switched to Acorn and watched episode 2 of Dalgiesh.  The show is kinda dark and gloomy.  We gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We talked about getting Bob and Nancy accounts in order so we avoid probate.  I think we are ok.

Also talked with sister, Helen.  Things are ok in Gaylord.

Bright crescent moon tonight.   Tomorrow will be our last nice day according to the Weather Folks.  Snow and rain coming this weekend.



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