Saturday, November 6, 2021

November 5, 2021

 Friday November 5, 2021

Slept in until 0715 this morning.  The sun does not come up until 0830.  I don’t ride my bike until sunrise.  I have plenty of time to do my at home activities.  Thankfully, this is the last weekday of DSL.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  As soon as it was light enough I bundled up and headed out on my morning ride.  Gloomy and cold, 34, this morning.  Today’s ride totaled 11. 3 miles. 

I did stop about mile 9 at Panera.  I got my morning coffee and a baguette.  Read the Detroit and Alpena News and the Apple News.  I found nothing in the news I want to comment on.  I got home about 1200.

Showered and then my normal lunch of yogurt with Fiber 1, bottle of Ensure and soft cheese on naan.  

At 1400 I drove to the Dermatology Center.  I had the stitches removed from my left forearm.  In an out in less than 10 minutes.  Spent rest of afternoon checking finances and clearing my in basket.

Tonight Nancy and I attended an over 60 dinner for Trinity members.  We had a turnout of 26 folks.  It was held at a local Japanese restaurant, Ichiban.  

Nancy had fried shrimp and I had the scallops.  The food was very good.

We especially enjoyed talking with fellow parishioners.  The group is very congenial.  A good time was had by all.

No TV tonight because as soon as we got home we received a call from Debbie. Everything ok in San Jose.

I then called my sister, Helen, in Gaylord to see how she was doing.  I am happy to report that she is doing well.

Later we received a call from Missy.  Missy has been very busy lately.  She is closing her store and so must clear out all her inventory.  It is a tough job.  We wished her well.

My check of the Courtyard before bed found everything secure.  

Next week we have a warming spell.  Temps might reach 60s on Sunday and Monday.  Indian Summer?

I reread several recent posts.  I made many, many errors. Sorry about that.  I will make a better effort at proofreading.

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