Thursday, November 25, 2021

November 24, 2021

 Wednesday November 24, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0715 and did my full calisthenics at 50%.  Best thing I ever did was to ease up on Wednesdays.  It lets my body recover.

Nancy is swimming at MVP this morning.  This afternoon she works at the Gardens.

After a breakfast of oatmeal and banana I bundled up and rode my bike to Panera a distance of 1.67 miles.  First time in a week that I rode my bike.  The antibiotics seem to be helping my sinus infection.

Once again Panera was empty.  For most of the time I was there only two folks were in the dining area.

The day before Thanksgiving was alway an exciting day for me while in college. It was a long 7 or 8 hour drive from Ann Arbor to Alpena mostly on two lane roads.  The distance made it impossible to go home except for Holidays.  

UM was very strict about having cars on campus so most undergrads did not have one.  Finding a ride was difficult.  Luckily there were several Korean War vets attending UM on the GI bill from NE MI.  One was Cal from Hubbard Lake.  My freshman year I called Cal several weeks before Thanksgiving and begged for a ride.  Cal granted my wish.  We were leaving at 1230 on Wednesday.  As I recall we had 6 students in the car. 

Once a jerk Prof scheduled a test at 1300.  I had to take a Greyhound home.  If fact I used the Greyhound bus many times.

I got home from Panera at noon.  Nancy was getting ready to head out to Gardens.  

Tomorrow we are having Thanksgiving Dinner at the Moleski’s.  We have purchased a pumpkin pie for us to take.  Nancy said we should take a bottle of wine.  I got in Fusion and drove to Total wines and bought a bottle.

I took the recyclables and trash out before lunch.  Also started a load of laundry.  

After lunch I took a quick nap.  After the nap I started to take the trash to the curb when I remembered that tomorrow is a holiday so no pickup.  Dumb!

Our dinner tonight was light. Cereal and cookies.

Watched some of the TV news while eating dinner.  Tonight we watched an episode of “The Madame Blanc Mysteries” on Acorn.  We both like this show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We all were all upbeat.

Checked Courtyard just before bed.  Everything secure.

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