Friday, November 26, 2021

November 25, 2021

 Thursday November 25, 2021

Blog time 1130 sitting in living room


As a boy I always liked Thanksgiving.  The Scott family would all have our meal at my Grandparents farm at Hubbard Lake.  About 25 family members would attend.  We had food galore. Of course all the food was prepared by the women.   It was great.  

After the big meal the women would do the dishes and then everyone would sit in the living room.  On several Thanksgivings my Aunt Bernice would play the piano and we would all sing hymns.  It was impossible to starve on this day.

Memories of past Thanksgivings:

After all the kids were out of college and Nancy was still teaching we decided to take a long Thanksgiving weekend trip.  Our goal was to visit one big European City. We would not leave the City limits and use public transportation when visiting the different venues.  

After school on Wednesday we would head to the airport and catch a flight to Europe.  We usually arrived on Thursday morning and would leave on Sunday.  Spent a jammed packed three days visiting the sites.

The first trip was to Paris.  Next year we headed to London.  For our third year we visited Berlin.  Our last Thanksgiving trip was to Rome.  All were great trips.

In our 56 years of marriage Nancy and I have never been apart on Thanksgiving.  Most of our Thanksgivings were in GR but we did have several in Terre Haute, In and Alpena, Mi. I think we had one Thanksgiving in Saigon, Vietnam.  

While in the Navy my first Thanksgiving was at the Officer’s Club at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  Thanksgiving number 2 was at the Midway Island Naval Base in the middle of the Pacific.  Finally Saigon, Vietnam in 1963.

At 1130 Nancy and I drove to the Moleski’s for Thanksgiving dinner.  In addition Tim Mask joined us.

In addition to a great turkey we had squash and a special fruit dish.  For dessert we all had pumpkin pie.

We got home 1630.  No dinner tonight because we were still digesting our turkey feast.

Tonight we watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  We are not fond of this show anymore since they added commercials.

Today we talked to our entire family,  Debbie, Missy and Stephen.  They were all enjoying the holiday.

The temperature was in the 40s most of the day.  When I checked the Courtyard before bed the temperature had dropped to 30 with light snow.

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