Monday, November 15, 2021

November 14, 2021

 Sunday November 14, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  We had snow on the ground this morning although the temperature was slightly above 32.  Dressed and drove to Biggby Coffee.  Purchased a 10oz hazel nut for Nancy and a 16oz regular coffee for me.  Fixed oatmeal with a banana to go with coffee.

Once again the GRP delivery was delayed.  I had to go to church without reading the funnies. 

It was drizzling on our ride to Church.  Attendance was slightly above normal.  Once again Pastor Bob kept his homily below 11 minutes.

No Sunday ride today because we are taking our niece Paige to brunch today.  She is stopping at our house at noon.

We did stop at Meijer’s so I could pick up a prescription.  I asked the Pharmacist a good over the counter sinus medicine.  I purchased sudafed.

Got home at 1145 and Paige arrived at noon.  We had our brunch at the Sundance.  Sundance was crowded.  We had to wait 40 minutes to get a table.  Most of the delay was caused by staffing issues.

The good food was worth the wait.  Paige had pancakes.  Nancy had eggs, bacon, toast and fruit.  I had corn beef hash with fried eggs and toast.  We all raved about the food.  Today I splurged.  I purchased a Bloody Mary.  

After dinner Paige headed home.  Nancy and I sat in the living room reading the GRP.  I fell asleep.  Nancy told me to take a nap.  I complied and took a 2 hour nap.

No bike or walk today.  I call it a rest day.  Besides it rained most of the day.  

Finished the afternoon by putting out corn for deer.  Deer must have great night vision because we usually do not see them feeding during daylight hours.  When check in the morning all the corn is off the cob.   

We had a very light dinner.  Why not after the 3,000 calorie brunch.  Nancy had a piece of toast and I had a cup of yogurt.

Football was on all the networks so no news tonight.  We watched an episode of The Republic of Doyle.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Today was a milestone for Missy.  She closed her LA store.  She seemed upbeat.  She will continue operations using the internet.  Just like Amazon!

Light rain when making my check of the Courtyard this evening. I also noted that I had left the Fusion out.  The windows were frosted over.  Needed to run the defroster to clear the windshield.  First time this season for defrosters.

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