Saturday, November 20, 2021

November 19, 2021

 Friday November 19, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up this morning at 0730.  Nancy left early because she had an early liver ultra sound.  This afternoon I have an appointment with ENT PA to get my left sinus looked at.

This afternoon my sister, Helen, is visiting.

No bike today.  It was cold and windy.

Completed calisthenics at Y, a mile walk and 1000 meter row.  I like the rowing routine because it is full body.  Good aerobics.  My avg heart rate for 5 minute row was 136BPM.  

Showered at Y.  The Y still does not provide towels.  They claim that it is too expensive.  I am not fond of bringing a towel. 

I drove the Fusion to Panera a distance of 1.25 miles.  Ordered coffee and two baguettes before starting my reading routine.  

At 1300 I met with PA at the ENT clinic.  I explained my history of infections in my left sinus.  She made a quick check.  

Bottom line I was given a prescription for antibiotics.  Picked up the prescription at Meijer’s later in afternoon.

This and that:

The Dems are close to passing their expensive Social Safety net and climate change measures.  I don’t like the gift to the UAW for electric cars.  Also the ability to deduct local taxes is a gift to the rich and penalizes states that budget wisely.  Only free spending states benefit.

Where is Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai?

I was surprised that Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty.  I think he deserves some jail time.  Carrying a loaded gun and shooting folks is not something that should be done in a free society.

My sister Helen arrived at our house in early afternoon.  Soon after Helen her granddaughter Paige arrived.  Nancy, Helen, and Paige went shopping for several hours.

Instead of going out Nancy fixed dinner.  We had pork loin, new potatoes, and a great salad.  Except for Paige we all had wine.

This evening we all sat around and talked.  It was great.  Paige headed home at 2200 and we headed to bed shortly after.

We did have a FaceTime conversation with Debbie.  Early this morning Nancy talked with Missy on the phone.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything was secure.  I did note a bright full moon.

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