Tuesday, November 9, 2021

November 8, 2021

 Monday November 8, 2021

Blog time 1515 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  Before breakfast I did my morning sit-ups and leg raises.  I promised Nancy no chin-ups or push-ups until Wednesday.

Had my standard breakfast, oatmeal with banana.  Left home at 0900 for my morning bike ride, 11 miles.  I did stop at mile 8 for my morning coffee at Panera.  Also read my email and messages.

Got home at noon.  Took and quick shower and then Nancy and I made a trip to Meijer’s to restock our supplies.  Monday must be seniors day at Meijer’s.  

Got home at 1400 and prepared my lunch, yogurt with fiber 1, soft cheese on naan, two hard boiled eggs and Ensure.  After lunch I headed down to office for some blog writing.

Except to put out 6 ears of corn for the deer, I spent all afternoon at my desk.  Tasks accomplished:

Finished monthly notes to Grandkids.

Paid several bills.

Performed my quarterly rearranging of my desktop.  

This and that:

All the Great Lakes are warmer than in previous years.  This is an indication of more lake effect snow.

Our Governor vetoed a bill that would have provided money to religious and private schools.  I agree with this action by the Gov.  The GOP in MI is much too conservative for me.

The Alpena News today reported on the serious shortage of butchers in NE Mi.  This does not bode well for successful deer hunters.

Where have all the turkeys gone?  I have not seen a wild turkey in two weeks.

For dinner I had my usual Monday night fare.  Cheerios with blueberries.  Also whole wheat toast.  The blueberries are from Mexico and excellent.

After the news we watched an episode of Dalgliesh on Acorn.  This is a new British crime drama.  We gave it a B.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening, I think.  Of course I am writing this blog on Tuesday and sometimes I can’t remember what happened last night.  Old folks memory fog.

 I do remember that the moon was bright when checked Courtyard just before bed.  Tomorrow will be another mild day.

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