Friday, November 5, 2021

November 4, 2021

 Thursday November 4, 2021

Up at 0700.  It was near freezing this morning.  Headed headed out early for a class at MVP.

Did my sit-ups and leg raises before breakfast.  I hope next week to resume chin-ups and push-ups next week.  I get stitches out tomorrow.

Today’s bike ride totaled 12 miles today.  I did make a quick stop at Panera for coffee and a bagel.  I have been taking my mini with me on my bike ride because of its light weight.  It is very irritating that I have to reconnect when I try to read WSJ, Detroit News and Alpena News.  Of course I cannot remember my passwords so I have open my lock box.

This afternoon while Kim was cleaning Nancy and I ran some errands.  First stop was Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and I made a quick stop at Fitzgerald’s and Orvis.  Nothing purchased.

Last stop was Meijer’s.  We replenished purchased bananas, yogurt, radishes, Ensure and cookies.

Kim had finished cleaning when we got home.  Unloaded the car.  I had a quick lunch and then a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a Trader Joe’s salmon dinner with corn.  Trader Joe’s frozen meals are just the right size.

Tonight we watched “No Offence” on Acorn and then watched an episode of Ted Lasso on Apple +.

It was 38 when checked Courtyard this evening.  No problems.

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