Wednesday, November 24, 2021

November 23, 2021

 Tuesday November 23, 2021

Blog time; noon at Panera

Up again at 0700.  Apparently my new default time.

Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  Later we are going to Costco.

After at-home calisthenics and breakfast I drove to the Y.  Judging from the parking lot most folks who go to the Y are on a MWF cycle.  The place was empty.

 Walked a mile, rowed 1000 meters and completed my calisthenics before showering.  Drove to Panera for coffee and baguette. Started my reading with the Alpena News followed by the Detroit News and then my email.  Usually I only get 1 email worth reading.

As soon as I got home, Nancy and I drove to Costco.  We bought pumpkin pies (2), Cetaphil, snacking Naan, trash bags, toilet paper and paper towels.  Costco was not very busy.

On way home stopped at Aldi’s.  Nancy purchased grapes and two boxes of her favorite crackers.  Nancy likes this store, I don’t.

After lunch I took a nap.   During the nap Nancy told me to look in the back yard.  Four deer were looking around for some uneaten corn.

About 1630 Missy FaceTimed Nancy, a nice conversation followed.  Missy and AJ are having Thanksgiving dinner at the Boat Club.

This and that:

Why don’t women wear socks on cold days?  A mystery to me.

Build Back Better the infrastructure package just passed by Congress if administered properly will have a positive impact.

Noted that traffic on local roads is back to pre pandemic volumes.

I seldom use cash. 

I still don’t understand bitcoins.

The Citizens of the State of Maine voted to stop a power line.  The power line brings clean energy from hydro dams in Canada.  The main beneficiary are citizens of Massachusetts.  We will never solve our climate problems if good project are being shot down.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pork loin with mashed potatoes and corn.  Very good.

Tonight we watched another episode of Shetland.  I bet Shetland would be nice to visit in summer but at this time of year they get about 6 hours of sun.  It looks windy, cold and desolate.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose.  

Granddaughter Alessandra also contacted Nancy for written instructions on how to make Thanksgiving dressing.  Nancy said she does not have written instructions.  She will have to use the trail and error method.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything secure.  Noted a bright full moon.

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