Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 2, 2021

 Tuesday November 2, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up this morning later than normal, 0720.  Nancy was heading out to a class at MVP.  I slowly got dressed and did some sit-ups and leg raises before breakfast.

It was a cold 34 this morning.  I got out my winter lined bike pants and leather chopper mittens.

I biked along my Cascade/Spaulding route to Panera a distance of 8 miles.  This morning I saw two deer browsing along the edge of Charlevoix not more than several hundred feet from the condo. 

Noted a lot of leaves are falling.  When wet the leaves can make braking the bike hazardous.

Arrived at Panera at 1030.  The place was nearly empty.  Got a coffee and baguette before starting my morning reading. 

 Left Panera at noon.  Total miles biked today, 11 miles.  At home showered and shaved before lunch.

Afternoon errands:

Woodland Mall purchased 2 meter charging cord at Apple Store.  Stopped at J. Crew to look at corduroy and khaki lined pants.  Very limited supply.

Macatawa bank used ATM to get money for Kim who cleans Thursday.

Chow Hound: Purchased a 35 pound bag of corn on the cob. Also a 10 pound bag of bird seed.  Winter is coming.

D&W got some coleslaw for dinner.

No nap today.

Late afternoon put out 10 ears for deer.

Dinner tonight chicken thigh with dressing and corn.  Also Nancy’s special buttered toast and cookies for dessert.

Watched the news before switching to BritBox .  

Big election today in Virginia.  Looks like the GOP underdog might upset former Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe in Virginia.  A GOP win would be a blow to the President.

Today in Detroit they are voting on reparations for ancestors of slaves.

Was anything accomplished at the Climate Conference in Glasgow?

Nationwide several local school board elections dealing with teaching of critical race theory, wearing masks, etc.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway.  It was pretty good.

FaceTimed tonight with both Debbie and Missy.

Light mist when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop the 20s tonight.      

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