Monday, November 8, 2021

November 7, 2021

 Sunday November 7, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  We are now on EST so sunrise was at 0730 instead of 0830.  Great news because I am a morning person.

First thing after I did after dressing was to drive to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  At home, I fixed oatmeal with a banana to go with morning coffee.

Once again delivery of GRP was late this morning.  I still have problems with the GRP being printed in Ohio and then flown to GR.  I only had a chance to read the funnies before leaving for Trinity Lutheran.

Good news attendance at church was great today.  At our 0915 service we have a band.  Today they were in fine fiddle.

Today was All Saints Day.  Pastor Bob’s Homily was appropriate.

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we drove southwest to the City of Allegan.  Allegan County is heavily agricultural so we saw a lot of fields but not many forested areas.  It looks like 90% of the corn has been picked.  

Allegan is a very pleasant small city.  We spent time riding through the business district and pleasant residential areas.

After Allegan we headed north to Holland before heading to GR.   The ride took about 2 hours.  The temperature was in 50s with bright sun.

At home I spent time reading the GRP.  At 1430 I put on my bike clothes and took a short 7 mile bike ride.  The temperature was near 60.  A lot of folks were also taking advantage of the nice weather, walking and riding bikes.

Sunday afternoon, so I took my nap.  After the nap I continued reading the GRP.

This and that from the news:

President Biden got his infrastructure plan.  The Progressives voted against it but enough Republicans voted for it that it passed. The plan has several sections that I approve.  

The Global Climate conference in Scotland seems to be much to do about nothing.  The impact of any decisions will be marginal.

Michigan’s Governor wants to kill the pipeline crossing the UP and under the straits.  She is getting a lot of opposition from folks in UP and Canada.  The UP folks get most of their winter heating fuel from the pipeline.

The folks in EU are worried that Putin’s government won’t provide them with enough gas this winter.  With friends like Putin who needs enemies.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two poached eggs on wholewheat toast.  Tasty.  Also had red raspberries.

I watched some of 60 Minutes before settling down in the den to watch an episode of Death in Paradise.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Checked the Courtyard before retiring.  Everything secure.

The sunny warm weather will continue through tomorrow.

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