Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 1, 2021

Monday November 1, 2021

Blog time 1919 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy put on swim suit and was gone by 0800.  I did some sit-ups and leg raises.  No chin-ups or push-ups until next week.

I started to unload the dishwasher and noted the soap dispenser had not opened. I had to run the dishes again.  Bummer.

Breakfast this morning was the usual.  Oatmeal with banana.  

It was 36 this morning.  The sun will be up about 0830.  I put on my winter outfit including mittens.  

Today the Panera near our condo is opening their dining room.  I rode the bike to Panera, about 7 miles.  Stopped had coffee and did some reading on my mini.  Left Panera at 1100 and headed home.  Total bike miles today 10.

Nancy was running errands when I got home.  Quickly showered and then headed out on some errands of my own. 

First stop was Groskopfs.  I got a small portable stand for my mini.  Also stopped and Bill and Paul’s but purchased nothing.

Final stop was Bed Bath and Beyond.  I purchased a shoe rack that I can hang in my closet.

Lunch today at 1400.

This and that:

We did not have any Trick or Treaters on Saturday or Sunday.

Today is first day of November our darkest and gloomiest month.  When I was bridge inspecting I had to take a photo of all bridges I inspected.  In November when I took a photo at noon the flash would go off.

The deer are very active in our neighborhood.  Every evening we see a big buck and several does.  

I thought the Robins had gone south but today I saw one.  A very cold Robin.

Why did PM Boris Johnson pick Glasgow over Edinburgh to hold the Global Warming confab.

I found time this afternoon for a short nap.

For dinner I had a bowl of Cheerios.  First time in weeks.  It tasted great.

Watched some news before we switched to Acorn for an episode of Manhunt starring Martin Clunes.  We are getting hooked.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is very busy closing her shop and getting her online business going. She was upbeat.

Temperature in 40s when checked the Courtyard just before bed.  Everything ok.



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