Monday, November 22, 2021

November 21, 2021

 Sunday November 21, 2021

Blog time, Monday at 1145 sitting in Panera

Sunday morning and Nancy and I are up at our normal 0700.  First thing I started the coffee.  

Helen is leaving today at 0900 with her Granddaughter Paige for a Crandall family reunion in Homer.  They will be gone most of the day.

Nancy and I left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Temperature was in 30s and windy.  Church was well attended today.  Trinity has a large group of children attending Sunday School. A very healthy situation for a church.

Speaking of Sunday School.  My old Sunday school teacher is the Grandmother of the basketball coach at San Diego State.

After church Nancy wanted to dry run the route from Meijer Gardens to Kent Country  Club.  She has a meeting at the Club in early December.  It is on a Wednesday so she will leave from the Gardens to go to the meeting.  It will be dark when she leaves the Gardens.  We made a successful dry run.

This afternoon I made a trip to Meijer’s to replenish my yogurt, cookie, Ensure and Vernor’s supply.  I did not venture outside again today.  

I am on day two of antibiotics for my sinus problems.  Noticed no change yet.

I had a light lunch and dinner.  Helen and Paige arrived from Homer at 1830.  Helen said it was a great reunion.

The wind really picked up this afternoon.  High wind advisory was up for the area.  

Neither Helen or Paige wanted any food.  They had a huge brunch.  

After Paige left for home we sat around and talked.  Neither Helen or Nancy wanted any wine, so I drank alone.

The strong winds nearly blew me over when I checked the Courtyard this evening.  Temperature will drop the low 20s this evening.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She had a nice talk with her Aunt Helen.

AJ also FaceTimed this evening.  She also talked with Aunt Helen.  AJ has Thanksgiving week off from school.,

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