Saturday, November 13, 2021

November 12, 2021

 Friday November 12, 2021

Up this morning at 0700. 

Nancy headed out for her Friday swim.  At noon she has book club.

I checked my weather app and they said rain, although it looked ok at 0730.  Decided to believe the app and stay off my bike.  

Several calisthenics at home before breakfast.  After breakfast I drove the Fusion to the Y.  First time I had used the Y in over a month.  The place was empty.  

I did my normal sit-ups and leg raises.  However, I am still taking it easy on the upper body exercises, chin-ups, pull-ups and push-ups.  Hope to get back to normal in two weeks.  I rode the stationary bike for 4 miles and walked 0.5 miles.  Showered before heading to Panera.  It was pouring rain when I left the Y.

At Panera I ordered coffee and a baguette.  Spent 90 minutes reading the news.

Got home about noon.  Nancy had already left for Book Club.  I took a short nap before lunch.

Spent most of the afternoon in my office reading and writing.  It rained most of the afternoon.

At 1700 I drove to D&W to buy bananas and a turkey sub for dinner.  I also stopped at Macatawa Bank to make sure our accounts are in out trust.  Happy to report all accounts are in trust.

In addition to the turkey sub I had blueberries and coleslaw for dinner.  After dinner I watch the news on MSNBC for 30 minutes.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  It was just ok.

It was snowing when checked the Courtyard just before going to bed.  I did note deer tracks in the snow.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report. 


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