Monday, November 22, 2021

November 20, 2021

 Saturday November 20, 2021

Up at 0630 this morning.

It was a cold 32 but no rain or snow today.

For breakfast we all drove to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  Nancy had her usual omelette with raisin toast.  Helen and I had oatmeal.  Took a short ride after breakfast.

Helen and Nancy went shopping and I took a short early morning nap.  I was cold and wanted to warm up.  

Helen had lunch with a friend who lives near our condo.  They ate at Sundance.  Both gave it rave reviews.

Every day I put out 7 ears of corn for deer.  I never see them eating but every morning the ears are stripped clean.

For dinner tonight we ordered a pizza, ham and pineapple, from JT’s.  It has been awhile since we have had a JT’s.  

I was surprised when I arrived that the parking lot was empty.  I was told the indoor dining area has been closed for several weeks. Of course staffing problems are the main reason. 

The three of us watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

It was cold and raining when checked the Courtyard before bed.

I am finishing this blog on Monday the 22nd and cannot recall who FaceTimed us this evening, Saturday.  I think it was Missy and Debbie FaceTimed on Sunday.  I should start taking memory pills?

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