Sunday, November 14, 2021

November 13, 2021

 November 13, 2021

Blog time 1745 on Sunday the 14th.  Yes folks a day late!

Saturday the 13th.  We both got up at 0645.  Quickly dressed and headed out to The Gathering Place for breakfast.  The restaurant had several large groups so we did not get to sit in our favorite spot.  However, the oatmeal for me and omelette for Nancy were still very good.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  We ended up at the Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera.  We got our free coffee to go.

Stopped at Total Wines to restock my supply.  It was only 0900 and the store was crowded.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I spent several hours putting up two new bird feeders.  All the weather folks say it is going to be a long cold weather.  Don’t want our feathered friends to get hungry.

In keeping with my preparation for winter I loaded up my Cannondale bike on the Escape’s rack and drove to the Ada Bike store.  I am getting the steel studded snow tires put on.  Can’t be too careful when pedaling in snow.

Lunch and then at 1430 I suited up and headed out on a 10 mile ride.  It was cold, high 30s, and very windy.  

I did make a quick stop at D&W to purchase two lotto tickets.  I always but lottery tickets on the 13th of every month.  I want to replicate my lucky 13 ticket in 1956 when I won a jeep in a lottery. 

At home I took a long hot shower.  As I stepped out of the shower I felt very dizzy.  I knew immediately that I had a sinus infection on my left side.  

Several years ago I had shingles in my left eye.  The shingles caused nerve damage to the eye and sinus.  I get the infections almost annually usually when riding my bike into a stiff cold wind.  My ENT gives me a prescription for antibiotics. It works.

This evening Nancy fixed pea soup for dinner.  Also had coleslaw and blueberries.  It was very good.

Saturday night is movie night.  Tonight we watched Tom Hanks movie on Apple+.  It was called Finch.  I did not like.  To sci-fi for me.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was cold with light snow.

Debbie FaceTime this evening.  Hot in San Jose and cold in GR. 

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