Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 30, 2021

 Saturday October 30, 2021

Blog time 1400 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  Dressed and headed to The Gathering Place for breakfast.  We were early arrivals.

We had our normal breakfast.  Omelette with raisin toast for Nancy and oatmeal with scrambled egg and raisin toast.  As always it was very good.

After breakfast we wanted to relax a little so we took a short trip.  We enjoyed the colors.

At home Nancy started the laundry.

I ran several short errands.  I stopped at D&W on Cascade for gas.  Gas was $3.32 per gallon. I also stopped at D&W on 28th for coleslaw and milk.

During lunch I watched several minutes of the UM vs MSU game.  UM was ahead.

Today’s game is not a big deal for me because I have lost interest in all big time sports.  However, growing up the UM vs MSU game was a big deal in the Scott household.  Mom went to MI and Dad to MSU.  My mother was by far the most avid fan.  Most folks would call her a UM snob.  The week before the game Mom and Dad would make all sorts of bets on the outcome.  If UM won, Mom gloated and Dad would be a good loser.  If MSU won Dad was modest but Mom would retire to her room.  All in good fun as they say.

Nancy and I spent time this afternoon in the office going over bills.  We discontinued Direct TV last summer.  Nancy noted a recent bill from Direct TV.  She made a call and after spending nearly an hour on the phone she got our money back.  Way to go Nancy.

This afternoon I also paid the last of our prepaid taxes for 2022.  Took a 1.5 mile walk to the mailbox.  Longest walk of the week.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  

We had a light dinner consisting mostly of food left over.  I thought it was good.

No news tonight.  Usually Saturday night is movie night but this evening we were not in the mood.

We watched an episode of New Tricks followed by Republic of Doyle.  We headed to bed early.

The Courtyard was ok when I made a check before bed.  Temperature will drop to 30s tonight.

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