Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 6, 2021

 Wednesday October 6, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with 0500 alarm.  Do a few calisthenics before heading out.  It was cool this morning, 55 which means I could wear my corduroy sports coat.  Love my corduroy coat.

Stopped at Biggby to get a coffee to take with me.  It was pitch black.  Dr Anderson gave me a pair of night glasses.  They really work.

I arrived early at the University Club so I took a short walk around downtown.  Noted several homeless sleeping on the sidewalk.  

Today’s speaker was a fellow BC member, Eric Nelson.  He worked most of his career at UPS.  He explained their growth over the years.  Very interesting.

After BC I drove straight home put on bike clothes and took a short ride, 8 mile.  Stopped at D&W for a Starbucks Coffee and a chance to read some news on my mini.

I got home just as Nancy was leaving for her shift at the Gardens.  Started the laundry.  Took out trash before fixing lunch.

This afternoon I took a nap before heading down to the office for some blog writing.

This and that:

I cannot multi-task.  For best results when writing blog I do not listen to music or have TV on.

Do most Brits regret leaving the EU?

The new commission that is suppose to create Congressional districts has not issued any report.  Mi has lost a congressional seat so the new districts should be interesting.

I cannot remember being this far into the Fall season without having frost.  Global warming?

In 1965 when I  got out of the Navy the Great Lakes water levels were the lowest in years.  Today the lake level is four foot higher than in 65.

For dinner tonight I had a Turkey sub I bought at D&W.  Also had cottage cheese and fruit.

Watched the news on CNBC before heading to the den to watch an Acorn show.  Tonight we watched Kidnap and Ransom.  We both gave the show a B.  

The Courtyard and garage were secure when checked at 2200. Temp still in 60s.  Another rainy, warm day tomorrow.

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