Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October 4, 2021

 Monday October 4, 2021

Today is 10/4 the birthday of Grandson Lucas.  Lucas is 16 and is now able to drive.  This is a milestone event for a young man. Happy Birthday Lucas.

Blog time 0930 sitting in Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera.

Up this morning at 0700 which seems to be my default wake time.

First thing I checked weather app on phone.  Good news no rain until later this afternoon.  I will ride bike to Y, do calisthenics before heading home.

Nancy is going swimming this morning.  Later she wants to go to plumbing store to buy faucet set.  I told her I would call our Plumber later.

I did my at home chin-ups before breakfast.  After breakfast put on bike clothes and headed out door.  Surprise!  It was raining.  The weather app was wrong.  

Changed back into street clothes and decided to drive to Y.  I took with me my super duper thumb operated padlock.  I had charged it over the weekend.

Was interrupted on drive by call from Plumber telling me where to purchase faucet.  I had to pull over the write his instructions down.  As I was writing instructions, 3 deer ran in front of me.

I was pulling into Y parking lot when I realized that I did not have the key to my locker.  I carry it in my bike clothes.  

Nothing seems to be going my way this morning.  I decided to drive to Panera and do some blog writing.

Spent an hour at Panera writing blog and reading news.  

On way home I stopped at D&W to get a sub for dinner tonight.

The rain had stopped so I finished calisthenics.  Took an 11 mile bike ride.

I did find time for a nap this afternoon.

Before dinner I checked to see if the mail had come.  Directly across Tahoe Drive a doe was watching me.  Third deer sighting today.

Late this afternoon we phoned Grandson Lucas and wished him a Happy Birthday.  We caught him at a good time.  He was walking home from Soccer practice so he was a captive audience.

For dinner I had the roast beef sub purchased earlier.  Also fresh pineapple and coleslaw.

After dinner watched some news and then we switched to Acorn and watched an episode of My Life is Murder.  I give the show a B.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. Everything ok in San Jose.

It was mild, 62, and dark when checked Courtyard at 2200.  The rain has ended.

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