Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 27, 2021

 Wednesday October 27, 2021

Today is a travel day.

Up at 0700.

After the hotel’s complementary breakfast we head to GR.

Brief list of activities.

The ride south to GR was once again very pleasant with the fall colors.

Home at 1200.

Nancy and Bob ran errands.

Headed to Dermatology Associates at 1430.  Today I had a spot on my left arm removed.  The stitches on my left had were also removed.  I was told no biking or exercises for the rest of week.

Nancy called and said she got her Covid booster shot at Walmart.  I headed to Walmart and got my booster.  No waiting.

Light dinner and tonight we watched My Life is Murder on Acorn.  Good show.

It was raining and cold when checked courtyard at 2200.  No critters noted.

We did talk to Missy this evening on telephone.  Everything ok in LA.  

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