Friday, October 29, 2021

October 28, 2021

 Thursday October 28, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy immediately headed to a class at MVP.

Since the Doctor said no bike or calisthenics this week I had my oatmeal with banana for breakfast.  I then drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd and had coffee and a baguette.  Spent time reading.

This and that:

Looks like the Dems will finally get their infrastructure and social bill.  Good to see they reduced the cost significantly.

Masks in school seems to be a hot issue.  In my hometown the anti mask folks are suing the School Board.  For the life of me I cannot understand the opposition to masks especially when a child’s health is involved.

Is former  President Trump imploding?  Some of his recent statements are off the wall.

Recently we have seen many dead deer alongside the roads.  It is mating season so they must be moving.

Yesterday I finished my blogs about our recent trip to Gaylord.  I made so many mistakes that I had to make at least three updates.  Most of the mistakes were exclusion of folks attending the memorial service.  Why can’t I remember names, old age?

As soon as I got home from Panera Nancy and I drove to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  We spent 45 minutes looking around but purchased nothing.

On way home from Outlet Mall we stopped at Kohl’s.  Once again nothing was purchased.

At home I had lunch.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup with blueberries.  Very good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose.

After the news we watched “Manhunt” starring Martin Clunes on Acorn.

It was sprinkling and mild, 50s, when checked Courtyard before bed.  Rain predicted for all night and tomorrow.  Temperature will remain mild.

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