Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 26, 2021

 Tuesday October 26, 2021

Blog time 1000 Thursday 28 October sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  I am playing catch-up.

October 26 started at Fairfield Inn, Gaylord.  This morning we had the Inn’s Complementary breakfast.  It consisted of plastic wrapped food.  However, the coffee was hot and the fruit was fresh.  What more can you expect in these times.

We arrived at the First Congregational Church at 0930. Most of the family had arrived.  We met in the Church’s dining room.  Once again the church ladies had provided snacks and beverages. 

Friends of the family met in the Church’s dining room before heading into the Church’s Sanctuary for the service. The Memorial Service started at 1100.  The church was packed.

The service was live streamed.  Our kids watched the service in California.  Isn’t Technology great!

The service lasted 45 minutes.  It was a great service. Well planned with the right mix of music and talk.  Don would be proud.  The minister Greg Waitling did himself proud. High marks for First Congregational.

After the service most folk headed to the Otsego Ski resort for lunch.  We met in the Duck Blind Grill (love the name).  Once again a buffet luncheon.  Great food and drink.  Shelli, Don and Helen’s former foster child, took care of the lunch.  Thank you Shelli.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the great cookies provided by Jason’s girlfriend Courtney.  She also did most of the preparation for the evening meal at the farm.

After the luncheon Nancy and I returned to the hotel for a short nap.  At 1600 we headed back to the farm for dinner.  Of course all of the food was leftover from yesterday’s huge meal.  

Until 2100 Nancy and I sat in the living room and talked with family members.  I think Don would have enjoyed the way the day went.

My second Cousin Mary Hughes from Alpena made a special effort to attend the service.  Mary is now a Lutheran minister serving three churches in Presque Isle.  We had a nice talk. 

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