Thursday, October 14, 2021

October 13, 2021

 Wednesday October 13, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0700.  

Nancy is swimming this morning.  This afternoon she works at Gardens.

I do my entire exercise routine at 50%.  Put on bike riding outfit and pedaled to Panera, a distance of 5 miles.  I had to put on an extra layer because temperature was in 50s.

This and that:

This morning’s Alpena News had an article about past local Dairies.  I remember as a boy in the 40s and 50s we had our milk delivered by the Shady Lane Dairy.  The delivery vehicle was a horse drawn milk wagon.  The wagon would stop in front of the house and Clarence would pick up the empty glass milk bottle off our porch and leave new ones. I also remember the name of the horse pulling the wagon, Bell.  

The home delivery started to decline when an A&P store came to town.  It was called a cash and carry store and cheaper to buy milk from A&P than have it delivered.  Sad!

In GR when stores like the A&P ruined the milk delivery business, the independent operators of milk delivery trucks switched their trucks to picking up trash.  In the 60s there were about 50 independent trash haulers.  Of course the big trash firms out of Chicago bought up all the local haulers and now there are probably less than 10.

Today is the 13th so I must buy lottery tickets today.  

GM’s Bolt EV is having serious battery problems.  LG the battery maker will reimburse GM for costs.  This is a lot of money.

The border between Canada and USA will be fully open in November for fully vaccinated folks.  Good news.

DTE the giant Mi Utility will close another coal fired plant.  I hope the move is not premature.

An article in today’s Daily Mail caught my eye.  Katie Couric has written a soon to be published book “Going There”.  In 1916 Couric interviewed Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Ginsburg was asked by Couric about people who take a knee during the playing of the national anthem.  Couric said that Ginsburg called the “gesture dumb and disrespectful”.  But Couric omitted Ginsburg saying “the protest showed a contempt for a government that made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life”.  Ginsburg had it right.  Just of another example of media omitting facts.  Shame on Couric.

GM quit making Saturns in 2019.  I still see a lot of Saturns on the road and they all look good.

I have seen more Woodpeckers this year than in the past 10 years.

Left Panera at noon.  On way home stopped at D&W to buy lottery ticket.  Also I purchased the last package of Ensure Light.

Lunch and then took a quick nap.  After the nap I took a mile walk.  My time for the mile was 24 minutes.  Pretty bad.

This evening I had a bowl of Cheerios with fruit.  Very good.

After the news we watched another episode “New Tricks”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The stars were out and it temperature in 60s.  Rain predicted for tomorrow morning.

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