Sunday, October 3, 2021

October 2, 2021

 Saturday October 2, 2021

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  We immediately got dressed and drove to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  

Like a lot of restaurants Gathering Place has a hard time keeping staff.  This morning two wait staff members did not show up creating a real hardship.  No show wait staff is a big problem throughout the GR area.

I had my usual oatmeal with scrambled egg and Nancy had her Western omelette.  We both had coffee and raisin toast.  Very good food.

After breakfast we drove to Kohl’s.  I wanted to purchase corduroy pants with expandable waist band.  In the past they carried exactly what I wanted.  Today no corduroy.  Corduroy must be out of fashion.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on bike clothes and took an 11.5 mile ride.  Another great day for a ride.  We should have full fall colors soon.

Today is grooming Saturday.  I shaved my head and face before showering.  

I noted when shaving that our cold water faucet was leaking.  After dressing, took the faucet apart.  It looked like it needed a new washer.  Took the faucet assembly to ACE Hardware.  They found a suitable washer.

I installed the faucet assembly and after some fiddling I got it to work properly.  WRONG!  Nancy tried it about an hour later and it was still leaking.  She said why don’t I just call a plumber and let him fix it.  I agreed.

Quick lunch.  I watched some of the UM/Wisconsin game.  UM looked good.

Found time for a short nap.  For dinner tonight we finished some of the cheese and crackers Kathi had brought.  

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  For some reason no commercials tonight.  Think they heard my complaint?

We talked via FaceTime with both Debbie and Missy tonight.  It was hot in CA and of course no rain.  It was raining in GR during  our calls.  It should rain most of the night and tomorrow.

Quick Courtyard check before bed time and everything was secure.

A Blast from past.  I have not checked Great Grandfather Sanborn’s 1938 diary lately.  On this date a Sunday, GGF noted light frost last night.  Thin coating of ice on roads.  

GGF and GGM drove to Alpena.  Their daughter Laura picked 2 1/2 bushels of garden stuff for them.  They had dinner with Laura in Alpena.  GGF noted that 15 folks attended the Ossineke Methodist Church today.

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