Monday, October 25, 2021

October 24, 2021

 Sunday October 24, 2021

Up at 0700.  Dressed and headed to Biggby for our morning coffee and a bagel for me.

Oatmeal breakfast with banana and bagel.  Left for church at 0845.

We spotted a deer feeding alongside Burton.  Always great way to start day with a critter sighting.

Small crowd at church today.  Pastor Bob’s Homily today was 9 minutes.  A record for brevity.  

Took short drive after church.  Headed west on MI ave to GR Zoo and then drove through Millennium Park before taking 28th Street home.  We haven’t been on west end of 28th in several years.  A lot has changed.

 Stopped at Meijer’s for gas and large bandages to cover my recent surgery.

At home finished packing for trip to Gaylord.  Left for Flo’s Sports Bar on Post Road at 1330.  We met the Moleski’s for brunch.  Nancy had pizza rolls and I had a great burger.  We all had drinks.  The Moleski’s like Flo’s because on Sunday drinks are 1/2 off and food items are $5, except for my burger.

At home short nap before dinner.  For dinner tonight I had a cup of yogurt.  Nancy had only a piece of toast.  Flo’s meals are filling.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. We gave positive report.

No 60 Minutes because of football.  Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise on BritBox.  

It was sprinkling and cold, 48, when checked Courtyard before bed.

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