Friday, October 22, 2021

October 21, 2021

 Thursday October 21, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Last night I thought all the gauze on my hand would impede my sleeping.  Not a problem.

We had heavy thunder storms roll through last night.  Checked our Cedar Closet this morning and it was dry.  The recently sealed concrete crack is holding.

Nancy left early for a class at MVP.  She gave me her morning kiss before heading out.  I stayed in bed until 0845.

When I got up I put on some warm clothes because the temp was in high 40s and raining.  I drove to the Panera near us.  The dining area is closed so I bought coffee and a baguette using the drive thru.

Parked in Panera’s lot and did some reading on my mini iPad.  Used the hot spot on my iPhone to connect to internet.  The hot spot is a nice feature.

This and that:

I am glad to see our congressman, Peter Meijer, and several other West Mi GOP congressmen vote to get Trump crony Steven Bannon to testify.  Also Liz Cheney of Wyoming joined the group.  

Ex President Trump’s control over the GOP is troubling.  Of course Trump will try to get one of his flunkies to run against Rep Meijer and the others.  

I still don’t understand Bit Coin?

Is China’s economy in trouble with the Evergrande potential bankruptcy and other real estate troubles?

Talked with sister, Helen, she is holding up remarkably well.  God Bless Helen.

WSJ had an article on Amherst College eliminating it legacy admission policy.  Apparently legacies moved to the top of the list.  Texted Missy and said she read about the policy yesterday in the Boston paper.  

For lunch today I had my normal breakfast, oatmeal with banana.

At 1300 I removed the 1,000 yards of gauze from my hand. It was liberating.  Took a shower and cleaned the hand and replaced the bandage.  Everything looks good.

Nancy and I made a trip to Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  We also bought peanut butter, cheese, hard boiled eggs and eye drops.

For dinner tonight I had my normal lunch of yogurt with fiber 1 and cheese on naan bread.  Really mixed up my menu today.  No breakfast, but for lunch I had normal breakfast and for dinner I had normal lunch.  Got it!

It rained most of the day so I did not feel bad about missing my bike ride.  In fact in accordance with Doctor’s instruction no exercises today.

With all the rain and wind the leaves are falling fast.  Peak colors soon.

On the news tonight a Covid vaccine for kids is coming soon.  We can also mix our booster shots between the three vaccines.

The President is having a rough time getting his big spending plan through congress.  The Dems left wing wants to drive us into bankruptcy but cooler heads are seeming to prevail.

Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  Good show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  I had to tell her my hand was ok that all the gauze was just window dressing.

It was misting when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to 30s this evening.

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