Saturday, October 2, 2021

October 1, 2021

 Friday October 1, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in the Starbucks located in D&W.  The Cedar Closet repairs yesterday must have wiped me out because I slept in until 0730 this morning.

The sun was just coming up.  Sunrise today 0740 and sunset at 1922.  Each day we lose several minutes of daylight.  The temperature was 52.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  Today she is having lunch with friends at Schuler’s Book.  

Only chin-ups before oatmeal breakfast.  This morning I added a mile to my ride to Y.  Another great day for a ride, sunny and cool.  We are getting more and more color each day.  The maples are turning red as are the Sumacs.  

At the Y I spent 45 minutes doing calisthenics and walking.  Because of my late start I did not get home until 1130.  Nancy was just leaving for her lunch.

Immediately after getting home I got in Fusion and drove to the Starbucks in our local D&W.  Bought a coffee a donut.  Read my emails and finished yesterday’s blog.  

Got home at 1400.  Showered and then ate a late lunch.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.

This evening we attended a showing at GR Art Museum.  The featured artist was American Jasper Johns.  I found it interesting.  

After the Museum we walked around downtown. Art Prize was still going on so a lot of folks were viewing the displays.

This and that:

The Dems still cannot pass an infrastructure bill.  I sure hope they fail to pass their multi trillion social content bill.  It will bankrupt the USA.

Why can’t all the smart folks stop the ransom ware attacks? 

We got home from downtown at 2000.  Tonight we watched an episode of Kidnap and Ransom on Acorn.  It is a continuing series which I don’t like.  I usually can’t remember what was on the previous episode.

Checked Courtyard at 2200. Everything secure.     


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