Thursday, October 21, 2021

October 20, 2021

 Wednesday October 20, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.  

Today will be a short blog.  I had a cancer spot removed from my hand this afternoon.  The hand is heavily bandaged making typing difficult.

Up with alarm at 0515.  Breakfast Club today.  Brilliant moon.  Temperature in low 50s.

Great speaker this morning.  The speaker is the executive in charge of Van Andel arena, DeVos performance hall and the convention center.  He spoke on surviving 18 months of shut down.  Good talk.

After BC I came straight home and after some reduced calisthenics  headed out on a 8.5 mile ride.  Took a short route that included two short hills.  My hip is now paying the price.

Showered and then at 1230 headed to the Dermatology Center. My appointment was for 1300 and the Doctor was right on time. I had a spot on my right hand that is cancerous and will be removed.  

The Doctor applied a local numbing agent and then removed the cancerous spot.  I think about 10 stitches were required to close up the area.

A lot of gauze was placed over the wound.  I was given a very large ball of gauze that fit in the palm of my hand.  I was asked to grip this gauze ball for 24 hours.  I guess this will keep the stitches secure.

The Doctor said no bike riding or chin-ups for a least four days.  I reluctantly agreed.

At home I had lunch, took out the trash and did a load of laundry.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Finished the afternoon with a nap. For dinner tonight I had a turkey sub that I had purchased earlier.

This evening we watched an old British mystery on BritBox.  It is about a retired librarian who ends up being a detective.  The name of the show escapes me.  Probably because I fell asleep half way through the show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

Before bed I checked Courtyard.  Everything ok.  Thunderstorms over night.  

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