Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 19, 2021

 Tuesday October 19, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up at 0700.  Checked weather and temperature was 42.  Bright sun after sunrise at 0800.

Chin-ups before oatmeal breakfast and then bundled up and headed out on my bike ride to Y.  Because of all the construction on the bike path I took a short route, 6.8 miles.

Crittter report:  I encountered a flock of 11 wild turkeys.  They seem to have overcome any fear of folks.

Normal routine at Y.  The Y still hasn’t returned to pre Covid attendance.  Another sign of the times: the lap pool was closed because of lack of lifeguards.

Labor shortages are prominent everywhere.  Yesterday in NE MI the Alcona School district canceled classes because of lack of staff.

Nancy has a 1300 appointment with an oral surgeon.  She is having a root canal.

Left Panera at 1200.  Shower and then quick lunch.

Afternoon activities:

Visited Total Wines and bought 4 bottle of favorite wine.

At Meijer’s I picked up prescription.

Costco bought Cetaphil lotion and listerine.

Stopped at bank and got money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

SAD NEWS:  My sister, Helen, called and said that Don Crandall had passed.  Helen and Don had been married over 50 years.  He was a great guy.  RIP Don!

A memorial service will be held on Tuesday next.  Nancy and I are leaving on Monday and returning on Wednesday.  More details to follow.

Nancy’s appointment at the Oral Surgeons had a good news bad news outcome.  No action now but will wait.  He prescribed some pills for Nancy.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Dinner tonight was a pork chop with rice.  Cooked in crock pot.  Very good.

Debbie telephoned tonight.  I got confused because I could not get a picture until Debbie said it is a phone Dad not FaceTime.  We also had contact with all kids because of Uncle Don’s passing.  All the kids liked Uncle Don.

Tonight we watched “Republic of Doyle”.

Bright full moon when checked the Courtyard before bed.

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