Saturday, October 16, 2021

October 15, 2021

 Friday October 15, 2021

Blog time 1625 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0715 this morning.  Nancy was already up and getting ready for her swim.

Checked my weather app and it said no rain until this afternoon.  The temperature was a cool 52.  Will need multiple layers today.

Chin-ups at home and then oatmeal breakfast.  Left home at 0830 and the sun was up.  On my way to the Y I encounter a big mole resting on the bike path.  I think all the rain drove it out of his hole.  I did not take a photo.  Bummer.  Bike distance to Y, 8 miles.  

At an empty Y I completed my calisthenics and walked 1/2 mile.

Pedaled home.  Total bike miles today, 11.

At home I immediately hopped in Fusion and drove to Panera’s Drive Thru.  Got coffee and bagel which I brought home.

Sad news, we got a message that Brother in Law Don is not doing well.  The family is starting to get prepared.

Nancy and I drove to D&W, bought salad for tonight and checked to see if they had the Moderna booster shot.  They did not.

A group of parents in Alpena are suing the school district because of their mask mandate.  I think this is a stupid move.

In anticipation of trip to Gaylord I started packing.  Also called Brenna to arrange for her to check on house if we have to leave in a hurry.

Spent the rest of the day reading and puttering around.  I did find time for a nap.

I get so worked up reading the news that I am trying to limit my comments.  I must say the Woke folks and I do not agree on anything.

For dinner tonight we had chicken noodle soup with salad and croissants.  Very good.

Friday night is movie night at the Scotts.  Tonight we watched “State of Play” on Netflix.  Good movie.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She informed us that she and AJ will be spending Christmas in Budapest with her college roommate Audrey.  Sounds like fun.

Check of Courtyard before bed found everything ok.  I think the rain has finally stopped.  Temp will drop to 40s overnight.  It is mid October and we still haven’t had a frost.

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