Wednesday, October 6, 2021

October 5, 2021

 Tuesday October 5, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  Busy day ahead.  I have a 1300 appointment with a plumbing supply company.  Must take some pants to the tailor followed by a trip to Meijer’s for supplies.

Nancy has an early morning class at MVP.  At 1300 she has an appointment to get a bone density test.

First thing this morning I did my chin-ups before breakfast.  Checked the weather and the rain has stopped.  It was 62 degrees.

Breakfast and then headed out on my 8 mile ride to Y.  As I was just heading out I saw 3 Sandhill Cranes in the backyard.  The wind picked up during the ride so I had to stop and put a wind breaker on.  Luckily I carry the wind breaker in my bike bag.

Cascade Road is a death road for deer.  This morning I saw two dead deer along the road.

Once again the Y was not crowded.  Finished my calisthenics and walked 1/2 miles.  After the Y biked the 3 miles home.  Jumped in Fusion and headed to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Also got a free scone from Nancy’s reward account.  

Shaved and showered before heading to Richard’s Plumbing showroom to pick out a bathroom faucet set.  Richard’s had a great selection.  Nancy wanted simple, so simple I got.  I was surprised at how expensive faucets were?

After Richards I headed to Mr Thanh’s Tailor shop on Giddings.  I am getting a pair of Lululemon pants shortened.  Love Lululemon pants.

Final stop was Meijer’s for supplies.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

This and that:

Signs of Fall are everywhere.  My favorite time of year.

The Dems cannot get an Infrastructure package passed.  This is a shame because most folks support the plan.  However, the Dem progressives want to attach their trillion $ social plan to this bill.  Just a few folks are holding up meaningful legislation.

Most polls give President Biden low marks for his Presidency.

Keep reading about the carbon shortage, especially in Europe.  I really don’t understand.

I can’t believe the hatred spewed out by parents who are against their kids wearing masks to school.  Most of the folks are Republicans.  Making threats are not the way things get done in a Democracy.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s cod dinner.  She also fixed corn to go with it.  Good.

Watched some of the news before switching to Prime.  Watched New Tricks.  Unlike our previous viewing this show had commercials.

My Courtyard check before heading to bed showed everything to be secure.

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