Friday, October 1, 2021

September 30, 2021

 Thursday September 30, 3021

Good Grief the last day of September already!

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy headed out early for her class at MVP.

Only did my chin-ups before breakfast, oatmeal with banana.  Another bright sunny day but a bit cool, 46 this morning.  High temp today will reach mid 70s. 

Put on three layers and biked the 7 miles to the Y.  I spotted three dead raccoons along the side of the rode.  I always thought raccoons were nimble.

Once again the Y was nearly empty.  I finished my calisthenics and walked 0.5 miles before biking home.

At home I jumped in Fusion and drove to local Panera to get coffee and baguette.  Consumed the purchase sitting at my downstairs desk. 

I started finishing the repairs to the Cedar Closet.  Spent an hour before lunch and three hours after lunch.

Nancy helped me complete the project.  Especially with the cleanup.

I am not a nimble repair man.  I dropped boards on my head, cut myself in several places and spilled a box of nails.  But the project is complete.

Shaved and showered before we headed to Bagger Daves.  Nancy had a coke and chili.   I had a Frankenmuth beer and a cheeseburger.  Bagger Daves has the best burgers.

This evening we watched an episode of New Tricks.  My favorite show but I am still mad at Prime for including ads after 8 seasons of ad free viewing.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. 

Checked the Courtyard before turning.  Everything was secure.  Warm weather continues tomorrow. 


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