Saturday, October 9, 2021

October 8, 2021

 Friday October 8, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up at 0700, checked weather and heavy rain rolling in about 0800.  No bike today.

This morning Nancy has a class at MVP.  Later she has Book Club at Mary Namey’s.

Chin-ups before breakfast.  After breakfast I hopped in Fusion and headed to Y.  On my way I noted a multi-car crash at intersection of 36th and Kraft.  Major damage to three cars but looked like no injuries.  All the air bags had deployed.

The Y was more crowded today.  Noted several senior women were back after an absence of over a year.  Several told me it was great to be back.

My routine today consisted of Calisthenics, 1/2 mile walk and 20 minutes on the stationary bike.  I took a shower before heading to Panera.  

The Y still does not provide towels so I had to bring my own which is a pain.  I miss using the Y’s towels.  I would even pay more per month if they brought back the towel service.

This and that:

Just got a call from Nancy that she got her flu shot at Walmart.  No wait.  Maybe I will try later.

Sad News:  the Healthcare fraud scandal involving 19 former well paid NBA players is deplorable.  This is criminal and hope they all spend some jail time.

Large multinational companies have been accused of tax avoidance.  Many countries, USA included, are trying to form an association to make the multinationals pay.

Big natural gas shortages in EU, Asia and Latin America are just another sign that we have to go slow when switching to a carbon free energy system.  China is going full speed ahead on building coal plants.  Why does the rest of the world give China a pass.

Left Panera in heavy rain and headed to Mr Thanh’s to pick up pants I had altered.  When I got home Nancy had already left for Book Club.  

Before lunch got a phone call from our plumber.  He had a cancellation and wondered if he could come over and install new faucets in our master bath.  Of course I said yes.  In addition to the new faucet he installed new flappers on our two upstairs toilets.  When Nancy got home from Book Club she inspected the new faucet and was impressed.  

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight we had clam chowder with bread and coleslaw.

After dinner I looked out at our backyard.  Four deer were feeding on the grass.  Good to finally see deer in back yard.  After we have several frosts I will start putting out ears of corn.  Usually we have at least four deer eating the corn.

Watched some of the news.  The GR news said today we had over 2” of rain.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle.  Good show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Nancy enjoys talking with the girls.

When checked the Courtyard tonight I noted the sidewalk was loaded with earthworms.  The heavy rains forced them to the surface. 

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