Monday, October 11, 2021

October 10, 2021

 Sunday October 10, 2021

Blog being written on Oct 11 at 1120 sitting in Starbucks Woodland Mall.

Sunday, Got up at 0645.  Dressed and headed to Biggby to get my morning coffee.  At home had oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

Our Grand Rapids Press did not arrive until 0845.  No chance to read because it was time to leave for Trinity Lutheran’s 0915 service.  The funnies must wait.  God over comics!

Sunny and warm this morning.  We made a wager at how busy church would be.  I said a small turnout because this will be the last warm Sunday and folks will visit cottages one last time.  Nancy disagreed.  She said folks were already in their fall routine.  Nancy was right.

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we took the back roads north to Kent City.  It is not yet full Fall color but getting close.  From Kent City we headed south along Fruit Ridge.  It was Sunday but the apple farmers were busy picking.  We have heard they are having a big problem getting workers so the owners and family are working longs days getting the crop in. 

When will the labor market return to normal?  It is serious in GR.

Got home from our ride at 1230.  I read the funnies and then headed out on a short 9 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride although I saw few bikers or walkers.

Lunch and then a shower before my Sunday nap.  Today I slept for 2 hours.  Must have been tired.  Spent the rest of the afternoon reading the papers.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two poached eggs on toasted whole grain bread.  Also sausage and spinach pie. Very good!

Tonight I watched two segments of 60 Minutes.  I liked the segment on AI and face recognition software creating exact replicas of famous folks.  Really scary!

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight on BritBox we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  Alway a good relaxing show.

Earlier this evening we saw three deer in the backyard.  When I checked at 2200, no deer.  It was 70 degrees at bedtime.  Warm for October.

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