Monday, November 30, 2020

November 29. 2020

 Sunday November 29, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

We both got up at 0730 this morning.  I drove to Panera and got us both a coffee.  Hazelnut for Nancy and Light Roast for me.  I also got a croissant.

Oatmeal breakfast with yogurt topping, banana and croissant.  Every morning I have a cup of Better Oats oatmeal.  Nancy asked why I don’t get tired of the same breakfast every day.  I say it is in my Scottish heritage.  Oatmeal is a staple in Scotland.

Today we watched the 38th streaming service for Trinity Lutheran.  This Sunday is the start of Advent.  

After church Nancy and I got in the Fusion and took a ride through rural michigan.  We headed east  around the airport and took 48th over the Thornapple River to Whitneyville Road, south to 84th.  East to M50 and continued to Lake Odessa.  

Great day for a ride, bright sun.  We are always amazed at the number of large working farms near GR.  The farms look well maintained as do the farm homes.  

The one thing we noted driving through farm country were a lot of GOP signs.  Democrat signs were very few, almost non existent.

We also noted several churches with packed parking lots.  Do the parishioners think God will protect them?

Finished the morning with a 2 mile walk.  Today I celebrate one month since my operation.  Tomorrow I will resume doing push-ups and sit-ups.  Of course I will ease into the routine.  

Lunch and then headed downstairs to finish blogs and read some on-line news. 

This and that:

I recently subscribed to the Detroit News.  I needed more state news.  I like it.  Certainly beats the GRP.

Lions fire coach.  Is Harbaugh far behind?

When looking at the mass gathering of folks without masks, if the pandemic gets worse it is our fault.

President Elect Biden is slowly getting access to Federal agencies.  It looks like in his own way President Trump realizes it is over.  

For dinner tonight we finished last night’s pizza.  Very good.  

We watched a portion of 60 Minutes before switching to Prime.  We watched another episode of Jack Ryan.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.

The temperature had dropped to high 30s when checked outside at 2200.  Frost expected this evening.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 28, 2020

Saturday November 28,2020

Blog time 1500 Sunday sitting in office.

Up this Saturday morning at 0700.  Drove to Panera for coffee and scone.  

Oatmeal breakfast with coffee and scone.  The scone was especially great this morning.  Simple pleasures.

After breakfast I made a quick trip to ACE Hardware.  I bought two strings of outdoor lights.  Later this afternoon I will put the lights on our deck.

1100 I headed out on a 10.7 mile bike ride.  Bright sun and 45 made for a great ride.  Noted a lot of families out for a morning walk.

At home shaved and showered.  After lunch I put up the deck lights. 

I took a 1.6 mile walk starting at 1500.  This evening I drove to JT’s pizza and got a medium ham and pineapple pizza.  JT’s has the best pizza in the area.  We gave them a call earlier in the week and they were closed.  Luckily it was only a temporary closure.

Watched no news today or I did not even watch any football.  Tonight we watched Jack Ryan on Prime followed by the Queen’s Gambit.  

Tonight both Debbie and Missy/AJ FaceTimed us.  Nancy and I were pleased that both were in a good mood.  

Bright full moon when checked outside at 2200.  Another nice day tomorrow.

November 27, 2020

 Friday November 27, 2020

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Both up at 0700.  Nancy headed out on her 3.25 mile walk.  After some chin-ups I headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home had my normal oatmeal breakfast.

Today I took a 10.5 mile bike ride.  It was gloomy but temp was a mild 41.  Good ride.  After the ride I put up two Christmas wreaths.  Tomorrow I will put up the lights on the deck.

Showered and then drove to Meijer’s to get some supplies.  I was surprised that Meijer’s was empty. 

I am resuming this blog on Sunday Nov 29 so I am having trouble remembering what I did two days ago.  Senior moment?

After lunch I spent time on the iPad reading.  During this holiday break I make it a point to not read the news.   

I did find time for a nap.  Finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed hot dogs.  Love hot dogs, a great American classic.  Also had a dish of pineapples and blueberries.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Will we ever run out of episodes?

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Gloomy at 2200 but the next two days will be sunny with high temps near 50.

Friday, November 27, 2020

November 26, 2020

 Thursday November 26, 2020

Blog time 1400 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Made a cup of coffee before breakfast.  Nancy headed out on a 3.2 mile walk.

After breakfast I read the GRP.  The GRP’s Thanksgiving issue was large with all the ads.  I remember when the girls had a paper route I would help them with this huge heavy issue.  

I finished the paper and then dressed for a bike ride.  It was kind of a gloomy 41 when I headed out.  Today I rode 10.8 miles.

After the ride I compared the  exercise app data on my iPhone with Nancy’s iPhone.  Bottom line a 3.2 mile walk is equivalent to a 10.8 bike ride.

Past Thanksgivings

As a boy we attended a big family Thanksgiving at my Grandparent Scott’s farm.  About 50 family members were in attendance.  It was a great family affair.

My first Thanksgiving away from family was in 1961.  I had my meal at the Officers Club at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.

1962 Thanksgiving was on Midway Island.

1963 I had Thanksgiving at a restaurant in Saigon, Vietnam.

1964 I was just out of the Navy and had dinner at 123 First Avenue in Alpena.

Since 1965 Nancy and I always have had Thanksgiving dinner together.  Some of the cities where we had our meal were:  Redwood City, Ca, Grand Rapids, Mi; Alpena, Mi; Terre Haute, IN; Paris, France; London, UK; Berlin, Germany; Rome, Italy; and Danang, VN

We had this year’s Thanksgiving meal at 1430.  Nancy purchased a pre prepared traditional dinner for two at D&W.  It was really quite good.

Nancy and I both took an after dinner walk to settle everything down.

All three kids FaceTimed us today to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving.  We are blessed to have such nice kids.  Thankfully, everyone is in fine health.

I had a cup of yogurt for dinner.  Tonight we watched a movie on Amazon Prime.  It was called “My Spy”.  It is a movie for young folks but I think it was the type of movie we needed.

It was very dark when checked front yard at 2200.  Weather will remain in low 40s for next 24 hours.  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

November 25, 2020

 Wednesday November 25, 2020

Blog time 1615 sitting in office

I got up at 0630.  Our handyman Randy is coming at 0900 to install the Kitchen ceiling light.  I have to get ready.  Dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Quick breakfast and then brought up ladder and unpacked the new fixture.

Nancy headed out at 0830 for a PT session.  Our insurance company agreed to pay for the PT.

Randy arrived at 0900.  He started installing the fan and said it was smaller than the original.  GR Lighting gave me the wrong diameter to measure.

I drove to GR Lighting exchanged fixture and Randy installed the larger one.  When he was installing the fixture cover he noted it was cracked.  I drove back to GRL and got a new cover.  Finally the unit is installed.

I was so flustered that I needed a walk.  Put on my rain suit and took a 2.5 mile walk.  It rained all during my walk.

Headed downstairs for some reading before lunch.  Lunch today was yogurt, bread with peanut butter, ensure and two sugar free oatmeal cookies.  Very good.

Memories of the Wednesday’s before Thanksgiving:

The freeways were not completed during my undergrad days at UM.  It was a 6-7 hour drive from Ann Arbor to Alpena.  Most undergrads could not have a car on campus so finding a ride home was a problem.  I did find a Senior who had a car.  His name was Cal Wills from Hubbard Lake.  I would call Cal about three weeks before Thanksgiving asking for a ride.  I was usually lucky.  His car was packed.

If I could not get a ride with a fellow student I would take the Greyhound bus.  The bus was a very long ride because of all the stops.

I remember when the kids were young we would spend Thanksgiving at a Grandparents.  It was about a six hour drive to either Terre Haute or Alpena.  (Freeways were now available) We would leave after school.  The kids were excited about Thanksgiving with GP.  They fussed a lot.  Nancy and I were exhausted when reached our destination.

In the late 90s, the kids were all out of college.  Nancy was still teaching.  We decided we would spend a weekend in an European large city.  We would not travel outside the City but just see the city.  Our first visit was to Paris, next year we visited London, third year Berlin and finally Rome.  

We would leave right after school on Wednesday. Catch a flight to Detroit or Chicago and take an overnight flight to our chosen city.  Usually we would land early on Thanksgiving morning. We would begin immediately seeing the sights.  Left for home on Sunday and would be back at work on Monday.  Great times!

Just noted a flock of 12 turkeys eating in back yard.

At 1500 we drove to D&W.  Nancy had ordered a complete Thanksgiving Dinner for two.  I also bought a turkey/cheese sandwich for this evening.  

Put out corn for deer at 1700 and 10 minutes later three deer arrived.  I made a trip today to Chow Hound to buy another 35# bag of corn.

After our dinner we watched some news.  Later we watched the final episode, season 4, of The Crown.  I gave season 4 a grade of C-.

It was still raining when I checked outside at 2200.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 24, 2020

 Tuesday November 24, 2020

Blog time 1515 sitting in office.

Up at 0630 it was still dark with temp in 20s.  Snow should start at 1100.

Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk.  I drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home I had my oatmeal breakfast.

Put on warm bike clothes and headed out.  Rode 10.5 miles.  No critters seen.  

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Nancy and I got in the Fusion and drove to AT&T to get some questions answered on our internet, TV and phone bills.  Bottom line, AT&T said we could get a better deal if we used ComCast.  Apparently the AT&T service in our area is limited especially if we use Netflix a lot.  I appreciated their honesty.

It started snowing about 1300 and continued for the rest of daylight hours.  The snow did not stick.

As soon as we got home I headed down to the office to start my morning reading.  Lately I am getting behind more than before the Coronavirus hit.  Of course we blame everything on Coronavirus.

This and that:

About this time if 1961 I was at Treasure Island Naval Base near San Francisco trying to get a plane to Midway Island.  The traffic folks put me on a plane to Hawaii.  Arrived in Hawaii on Tuesday night.  I would catch the plane to Midway on Friday. 

I remember the flight to Hawaii.  It was on a 4 engine prop plane.  I think it was called a Super Connie.  Remember that until last May I had never been on a plane.  This long trip over water was exciting.  I remember looking out the window. It was evening and I was amazed at all the car lights on the freeways and the lights of the ocean side communities.  Quite a thrill for some one from small town northern MI.  

When we got to Hawaii I got a bus to Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  I got a room in the BOQ.  

POTUS is finally realizing that he lost.  Let’s hope for a smooth transition.

The Alpena News had an interesting animal story.  A wildcat got his foot caught in a trap set to snare a coyote.  A DNR officer was told and she released the wildcat unharmed.  I have never seen a wildcat in the wild but I know NE MI has a stable population.

Speaking of traps I would encounter muskrat and mink traps set in small streams while bridge inspecting.  The lazy trapper set them under small bridges.  When I saw one I would spring the trap.  I bet it would hurt if I stepped on one.

Our main stream media (msm) does not report on problems overseas.  The conflicts in Armenia and Ethiopia are very serious.  China and Russia are also taking advantage of our disinterest.  Hope the new administration takes an active interest in International affairs.  A good start would be to assure our long time Allies that we have their backs.  Enough said!

Lunch and then I took a 1.65 mile walk followed by a nap.

For dinner tonight we ordered tamales and tacos from our neighborhood Mexican restaurant.  Very good.

Tonight we watched the start of the new season of NCIS on CBS.  I gave it an A- but Nancy said it was only a B.

This evening we FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy.  They were both in a talkative mood.  

No Netflix or Acorn this evening.  I finished reading the WSJ before heading to bed.  It was raining when checked the yard at 2200.  A rainy mild day tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November 23, 2020

 Monday November 23, 2020

Blog time 0900 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  Nancy heads out on her 3 mile walk.  It was sunny with temperature at a mild 39.

I made a quick trip to Panera for coffee and a scone.  At home I had my oatmeal breakfast.  

Headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog.  I was almost finished.  However, when I started typing I lost all of yesterday’s work.  I had to start over.  Bummer.

It is now 0910 and I will take a break to go on a bike ride.  

Today I rode 10.5 miles.  I now have a new route that eliminates three traffic lights.  Most of the route is on new bituminous. Safety comes first.  Temperature was 40 with bright sun.  I noted three men running in shorts?  Good grief it was 40.

This and that:

No snow so area hunters have difficult time tracking deer.

Alpena News runs daily photos of deer hunt kills.  I am surprised at the number of kids under 12 who got their buck.  In my youth I think you had to be 16 to get a license.

It is very late in outdoor construction season but a lot of new roofs being installed.  I would not want to be working on a roof during a snow squall.

I had a scheduled Virtual meeting with Sleep Apnea Physician’s assistant.  I got on  Trinity Health’s My Chart and completed the check in but could not go on line because my pop up was blocked.  What is a pop up?

Looked through old photos to find photos of me and Steve with hair.  Found one for Steve and a very old photo of me taken in 1942.  

Set out corn at 1600 and deer arrive within 30 minutes.

Finally Mi certified the election.  Biden is the winner.  GSA released the transition funds.

The Coronavirus outbreak continues to get worse in the GR area.  Hope folks will follow rules during the Holidays.

This afternoon I took a 1.65 mile walk followed by a nap.

We had our standard Monday light dinner.  We watched some of the Shepard Smith news hour before shifting to Netflix.  We watched episode 9 of The Crown.  I gave the show a C-.

It was already in the low 30s when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Snow predicted for tomorrow.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Monday, November 23, 2020

November 22, 2020

Sunday November 22, 2020

Lost yesterdays blog so I will rewrite.  Bummer

Blog time 0845 on Monday in office

Sunday we got up with the 0630 alarm.  Today we are making a quick trip to Meijer’s before it gets too busy.  This was the right move because the store was empty.  The downside was Meijer’s was stocking shelves so several items were not available.

Stopped at Panera on way home to get coffee and a bagel for me.  Quick breakfast and then set up iPad in living room for Trinity Lutheran’s virtual service on YouTube.  We think over 300 folks watched the service.

After church I made another trip to Meijer’s to get gas.  Also went inside and purchased naan which was not available earlier.  Also bought a big block of suet and a battery for my bike’s speedometer.

At home put up the suet.  We have suet at three locations.   The birds seem to like suet.  I like it because it is not as messy as bird seed.  

Before lunch I took a 1.6 mile walk.  It drizzled during the entire walk.  Luckily it was a mild 40.

Afternoon activities included:

Short nap.
Another walk this time 1.2 miles.
Read the GRP.
Watched no football today.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a scone and spinach pie.

The news is so depressing we try to avoid it.  Coronavirus and President Trump’s stupid refusal to admit he lost.  The GOP in the MI legislature should also admit they are coming across as whining fools.

Tonight we did watch 60 Minutes.  Later we watched another episode of The Crown.  Not very good.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched “Sign” a Polish crime show.

It was very mild when checked outside at 2200.  We had a nice half moon.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

November 21, 2020

 Saturday February 21, 2020

Blog time 1945 sitting in living room

Up at 0630.  It was dark when I looked out at 0700.  The temperature was 29.  Nine hours and 28’ of daylight today.

Drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Also bought Nancy a coffee.  Nancy was on her 3 mile morning walk.

First thing after breakfast I visited GR Lighting to get info on kitchen ceiling fixture.  I got the make and model but needed diameter.  Will return later.

This morning I took a 9 mile bike ride.

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Nancy and I returned to GR Lighting and bought fixture.  Monday I will call Randy our handyman to see if he can install it.

Finished my exercise routine with1.65 mile walk.  After the walk took a short walk.

1700 drove to Rose’s to pick up our take out order.  I bought a bowl of butternut squash bisque and Nancy had a turkey sandwich with cranberries.  Very good.

Tonight we watched another episode of The Crown.  I did not like it.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We are all suffering from cabin fever.  

Pitch black when checked out at 2200.  Rain/snow possible tomorrow.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

November 20, 2020

 Friday November 20, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy heads out on her 3 mile walk.  I drove to Panera, bought a coffee and croissant to have with my oatmeal.

Today is Kim’s cleaning day.  I spent some time moving items off all flat surfaces.  

Kim called and said she has been exposed to the coronavirus.  She is not coming in today.  I appreciate her consideration.  Who needs coronavirus.

I spent some time putting all the items I had moved for Kim to clean back to their original position.

It was sunny with temps in the 50s so I really did not know what to wear on my bike ride.  The clothes I selected were wrong.  I was drenched in sweat when I got home.  Today I biked 8.44 miles or about 0.8 miles more than yesterday.  My goal is 10 miles per day.  I should reach it by Thanksgiving.

This and that:

Some Mi GOP legislators are meeting with POTUS about election results in Wayne County.  Stupid move by GOP.  President Trump lost fair and square.

Last night at 0200 I look in our backyard and saw a huge buck deer eating at our mineral block.  Deer must have great night vision.

Today we took our Friday car ride.  Took Patterson Ave to 84th Street and then west to Holland.  Very pleasant ride.  We were amazed at all the new industries.  They all had help wanted ads.

Drove through miles of prime farm land.  

We ended up at Holland State Park.  Took a short walk along the pier.  The water levels are the highest I have seen.

For lunch we stopped at Russ’s in Holland.  I had a double meat burger and Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup.  

Took freeway home.

At home I did have my cup of yogurt.  

This afternoon I took a 1.66 mile walk.

Facetimed today with Granddaughter Alessandra and daughters Debbie and Missy.

Watched an episode of The Crown.  I did not like this episode.

I also watched the final episode of Wisting.  I liked this show on Acorn.

Temps in low 50s when checked outside at 2200.  Warm spell is over.   Tomorrow morning it will be 29. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

November 19, 2020

 Thursday November 19, 2020

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up with alarm at 0630.  Immediately head to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Nancy heads out on a walk.

After breakfast I put on bike riding duds and head out on an 8 mile ride.  It was warm, 48, and very sunny.  

At home I showered and then got ready for my 1130 Dentist appointment.  Arrived early and sat in car reading WSJ.  I was in the dentist chair at 1130.  Today they removed my temporary implant and put in the permanent one.  Dr Lamberts had to make several minor adjustments.  Everything now fits great.

I am now officially off the soft food diet.  I can eat anything.  First time in a month.

On way home from the Dentist I stop at Fitzgerald’s in Breton Village.  I bought a pair of great pants several months ago.  I now have 4 pair but I need a khaki color.  Fitzgerald’s does not carry Khaki.  I will have to order a pair online.

Lunch and then spent time in office reading.

I took a 1.65 mile walk followed by a short nap.  

For dinner I drove to Culver’s.  I ordered a cod sandwich for me and a vanilla ice cream cup for Nancy.  I am finally able to eat a big thick sandwich.

After watching the news we switched to Netflix and watched another episode of “The Crown”.  Finished my evening viewing by watching “Wisting” on Acorn.  I feel asleep half way through.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was still in the 50s when I made my 2200 check of the front yard.  One more day of unseasonably warm weather.    

Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 18, 2020

 Wednesday November 18, 2020

Blog time 1845 sitting in living room.

Alarm goes off at 0606, today is Breakfast Club Wednesday

It was a cold 24 but with sun.  I made a quick trip to Panera’s drive thru for coffee and a scone.  Breakfast and then headed downstair for Breakfast Club meeting on Zoom

Today we had 27 members in attendance.  Today’s speaker was the Director of the Michigan College Alliance.  This group represents most small private colleges in MI, Albion, Alma, Hope, Calvin, Kalamazoo, Hillsdale, Olivier, etc.  Very good presentation.  I was surprised to hear all colleges are doing well.

Today I resumed riding my bike.  Today’s ride was a comfortable 7 miles.  Felt good to be back in the saddle.

Another first since the operation.  I took a shower.

It being Wednesday I also did normal chores.  Took out trash and did a load of laundry.

Lunch followed by errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim and Grandkids and then picked up bike at Ada Bike Shop.  My winter bike is now ready to go.

Nap followed by 1 2/3 mile walk.  

This and that:

President Trump’s is firing key employees and getting some serious flack from GOP Senators.  POTUS is becoming unglued.  I think I have said that before!

The Coronavirus is going strong.  Our restaurants are all closed except for take out.

I think I have finally figured out when to put out corn for deer.  If I do it before 1400 the squirrels will actually pick up the ears and take them to a hiding place.  If I do it after 1600 the squirrels are gone and three deer feast.

Light dinner tonight, Cheerios with blueberries.  Also had a blueberry muffin.

Tonight we watched another episode of The Crown.  Much better than last night.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Wisting.  Three episodes left.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Her kitchen appliances are falling apart.  Needs a refrigerator and dishwasher.  We told her Christmas is coming.  Missy and AJ are healthy as are Bob and Nancy.

It was very mild when checked front yard at 2200.  Temps will reach 60 tomorrow.  Good grief it is mid November.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 17, 2020

 Tuesday November 17, 2020

Blog time 1000 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  First thing Nancy headed to Walmart for supplies.  I dressed and drove to Panera for morning coffee and bagel.

No walk this morning I have a scheduled 0930 telephone post op talk with the surgeon.  However, it now 1000 and no phone call.

It was bright and sunny this morning.  We did have a light dusting of snow on the ground.  Temperature was 32 and it will not get much warmer.

The Doctor called at 1100.  We talked about my progress since the operation.  He said everything is going as expected.  Bottom line full body showers are now allowed.  The 20# lifting ban is lifted.  I can start riding my bike.  However, no pushups or sit-ups until November 29.  

After the Doctor’s call I ran errands.  First stop the Chow Hound.  Bought a bag of corn.  Next I dropped off our annual pledge card at Trinity Lutheran.  At Meijer’s I bought a big bottle of prune juice.  The Doctor recommended a glass a day.

Final stop was Dick’s Sporting Goods.  I bought a balaclava to wear under my bike helmet on cold days.

At home had a quick lunch.  After lunch I took a long walk followed by a nap.

Nancy fixed chili for dinner.  I had mine with fresh dinner rolls.

This evening we watched another episode of The Crown.  This episode was all about the Prince Charles, Diana marriage.  Not very interesting.  Prince Charles comes across as a cold fish as does his aunt Margaret.

Debbie and Missy both FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was 30 when checked out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to mid 20s this evening.  Fall weather has finally set in.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November 16, 2020

Monday November 16, 2020

Up at 0700, it was cold and windy.  Nancy headed out on her morning 3 mile walk.

This morning I did some chin-ups and pull-ups with no apparent ill effect.  Breakfast and then grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  Got to Panera and it was closed except for drive thru.  I was told by a neighbor that the reason for the closure was Panera has not been able to get sufficient staff to support inside seating.  

Last night our Governor in a press conference said that starting Wednesday all restaurants were closed to inside seating.  Outdoor seating and drive thru were ok.  She also closed all High Schools and related activities.  Overkill?

I turned around and walked home.  Dropped off backpack and drove to Panera and got my morning coffee and croissant.  

Sat in office, drinking coffee and started my morning routine that I usually do at Panera.  The Coronavirus and President Trump’s refusal to concede the election still dominates.  Old news!

Nancy had a 1200 PT session.  As soon as she got home I put my bike rack on the Escape loaded up the Bianchi and headed to Ada Bike.  Today I am getting the snow tires put on the Bianchi.  This is my designated winter bike.

Lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Meijer’s.  We purchased fruit, cleaning supplies, Ensure, cookies and pudding.  The store was crowded and it looked like folks were stocking up on paper towels and toilet paper.  However, the Meijer’s has learned and limited the amount of critical items that could be purchased.  No hoarding.

At home I resumed my daily reading.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.  Today Nancy walked 12,000 steps and I got 11,000.  Nancy wins.

This afternoon we had three deer in the yard feasting on corn I put out earlier.  Actually there are two groups of deer that visit our backyard.  Usually only group gets the corn.  

Nancy got call from Doctor’s office and they noted a possible hairline fracture on her wrist.  She drove to Walgreen and got support band for her wrist. A new X-ray scheduled for next week.

We had our normal Monday dinner (Cheerios).  Tonight we watched Shepard Smith’s news show and some of Jeopardy.

For our main viewing we watched another episode of The Crown.  I am surprised the show got approval from the royal family because they come across as a group of out-of-touch snobs.  I really don’t know how they still have popular support.  I do like Margaret Thatcher.  She was known as “Attila the Hen” and the “Iron Lady”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Wisting my favorite Norwegian cop.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  Today Missy had a talk with Akerke’s Math teacher.  The conversation was very revealing.  Virtual learning is doing kids no favors.  They should be in a classroom.

It was cold when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Snow possible tonight.

Monday, November 16, 2020

November 15, 2020

 Sunday November 15, 2020

Blog time 0900 sitting in living room.

Today is the first day of Deer hunting season in Mi.  Almost a holiday.  In my youth everything shut down.  My Dad would leave for deer camp the day before the 15th and would remain at camp for a week.  

Many businesses would be open but at reduced staff.  Some men would visit the local bars trying to pick up Hunter’s widows. Some anger among women when husbands used up their vacation time at hunt camp.  

My mother and her fellow hunter widows would have rotating bridge parties.  Mother loved to play bridge.

First thing Nancy headed out on a 3 mile walk.  It was a mild 51 but she did encounter rain on the last leg of her walk.

I headed to Panera to get coffee for both of us and bagel for me.  Today I got a free bagel.

Oatmeal breakfast and now we are waiting for the 0915 church service to begin.  Today’s Homily talked about the end times.  Not really a cheery topic.  

After church I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to fill the Escape up. Also moved Helen’s car out of garage and put our two cars in.

Checked my weather app at noon and the temp had dropped to low 40s and wind was blowing a blustery day 20 mph. It was still raining so I made a decision, no walk today.  First time I did not get my 30 minutes outside in about 8 months.  

Quick lunch before getting in Helen’s new Buick and drove to the Airport.  Parked in the cell phone lot.  The lot was almost full.

Jennifer’s plane was suppose to get in at 1500 but they were 20 minutes early.  The high tail winds helped.

I drove them to our condo and turned the keys over to Sean.  I was surprised that neither Sean or Jennifer had seen Helen’s new car.  I told them they will enjoy the car.  It is super comfortable and drives like a dream.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie.

During dinner Governor Whitmer had a special new conference.  She announced new Coronavirus restrictions.  Starting Wednesday, dining in at restaurants will not be allowed. High Schools and Colleges will be closed.  The restrictions will be for three weeks.  Is this overkill or necessary?

We watched some of 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched the first episode of the new season of The Crown.  We both like this show.  

remember some of the events like the IRA’s bombing of Lord Mountbatten’s boat and Margaret Thatcher becoming Prime Minister.  The show also showed the upper class snobbery of Prince Phillips towards commoner Margaret Thatcher.  In my opinion Margaret Thatcher was one of the UK’s best Prime Ministers.

Helen texted me to say Sean and Jennifer encountered a white out around Cadillac.  They drove blindly using their GPS to guide them.  Winter in MI?

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  CA weather beats GR.

It was still raining when checked at 2200.  Temp will drop to low 30s tonight.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 14, 2020

Blog time 0845 Sunday sitting in living room.

Saturday November 14, 2020

It was cold this morning. Temperature in low 20s but with sun.  Sun trumps everything.

Up at 0700, dress in winter clothes and head out on our 0.85 mile walk to Panera.  We always comment how quiet it is on Saturday morning.  Today no exception.

I had coffee, oatmeal and a bagel and Nancy had a cup of hazelnut coffee.  We enjoy our quiet Saturday mornings at the coffee shop.

Once home Nancy started the laundry and I spent time in office. This morning I did run a short errand.   Headed to Meijer’s for gas and yogurt.  Gas for the past week has hovered around $2 a gallon.  

We got a message from Helen saying they made it to Tucson.  The temperature was in 60s.  The warm temperatures are therapeutic for Helen.

After lunch I took a walk followed by a nap.  At 1600 we drove to the Cork restaurant for an early dinner.  The Cork has pleasant surroundings and good food.  I had the perch dinner and Nancy had a burger.  Very good, we gave it an A-.

Today I did not watch any football.  Just as well because both MSU and UM got shellacked.  I did not even read much news.  I know President Trump won’t concede and the coronavirus is getting worse.  Not much else in news.  But I think I am suffering from news fatigue.

Tonight we watched Midsomer Murder followed by Wisting.  It was mild and raining when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will remain in 50s all night.

Both Debbie and Missy Facetimed this evening.  We gave a positive health report.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

November 13, 2020

Friday November 13, 2020

Blog time 0945 at Panera

Up at 0700.  It rained most of the night but seems to have stopped.  Temperature was 41.

My sister, Helen, and brother in law Don are stopping by for lunch today.  They will catch a plane out of GR for Tucson, Az this afternoon.  We will drive them to the airport and then keep the car at our house until picked up by Helen’s daughter Jennifer on Sunday.  Complicated?

No walk for Nancy today. She will be at Costco when it opens.  She is buying pin wheel sandwiches for lunch today.

I did my chin-up and pull-ups this morning before breakfast, oatmeal with yogurt topping and banana.  Grabbed back pack and started walking to Panera.  Oops forgot mask so I had to return home.  

Dark, gloomy walk, the temperature was 41 but the wind made the walk unpleasant.  Light mist.

This and that:

I subscribe to the UK’s The Telegraph.  I like their “pictures of the day”.  Occasionally Piers Morgan writes an article.  I alway read.  He is the UK’s Peggy Noonan.

South Korea is now fining citizens for not wearing a mask in public.  Think it would work in USA?

Finally China recognizes PE Biden’s win.

Detroit and Chicago is under assault from the Coronavirus.

Today is Friday the 13th.  I have to buy a lottery ticket.

Helen and Don arrived at noon.  Costco did not have pin wheel sandwiches so Nancy bought chicken salad.  She also bought scones from Sugar Mamas.  Very good lunch.

At 1400 I drove Helen and Don to the airport.  At home I drove Nancy to D&W.  She bought chicken broth and I got my lottery ticket.  Then I took a short walk followed by a nap.

Busy day so I did not finish reading WSJ or Detroit News.  Will do tomorrow.

After the large lunch I had a light dinner.  Yogurt and toast with peanut butter.

Tonight we had long FaceTime conversations with both Debbie and Missy.  Nice of both girls to let us into their lives.  Everyone is in good health.  GR was colder than CA today.

We watched Republic of Doyle on Netflix this evening.  It is filmed in St Johns, Newfoundland.  St Johns is a pretty community.

I stayed up and watched another episode of  Wisting.  I enjoy the Norwegian winter scenery.

The temperature was in mid 30s when checked at 2200.  Will drop to mid 20s tomorrow morning.  

Helen sent me a text around 2200 saying they were just boarding the Denver to Tucson plane.  Don was holding up well.

Friday, November 13, 2020

November 12, 2020

 Thursday November 12, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Good grief I slept in until almost 0730.  I am becoming very lazy during my forced convalescence.

Nancy headed out to an early PT class.  This morning for the first time in two weeks I did three chin-ups. Felt good and no pain.

After my oatmeal breakfast I walked to Panera.  It was sunny with temperature in high 20s.  No wind so the walk was pleasant.  The ground was covered with frost.

Bought coffee and a blueberry bagel and settled down for morning routine.

This and that:

World leaders are recognizing Joe Biden as President elect.  President Trump is becoming more irrelevant every day.  He should release transition funds and start daily briefings for PE Biden’s team.  President Trump’s legacy is taking a major hit.

Hope the vaccine arrives soon.  Current coronavirus cases are serious.

The Coronavirus in the UK has increased 100 fold the number of folks waiting for over a year for standard hospital treatment.  I hope Dems looking to change our health care look at the problems in UK.

It seems every several years we read about serious problems in Ethiopia.  I really don’t understand the current uproar but it seems tribal.  Are we all tribal?

Tropical storm ETA is creating havoc in the south.  This area has to feel snake bit with the large number of storms this year.

Globalization, immigration and free trade on Trumps back burner.  I hope the new administration addresses these problems.  I am a big supporter of all three.

Every day I put out six corn cobs.  Late yesterday afternoon we had three deer eating the corn.  They also eat from the mineral block.  Of course the squirrels, cardinals and blue jays also partake.

Pleasant walk home.  Before lunch I got in Fusion and ran some errands.

The township is installing a new bike path along south side of Cascade between 28th and Burton.  When this path is completed it will make a great cold weather route to the Y.  It will be much safer than the current route.  Two signal crossings are eliminated.  I check progress every day.

Quick lunch and then headed down to office to continue reading papers.  I recently added the Detroit News to my reading list.  Wanted more Michigan news.

Finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk.  I look forward to getting back on my bike.   The walking takes a toll on my right hip.  Biking is easy on all joints.

Nancy visited the Doctor this afternoon.  They looked at her wrist and thought it was just a sprain.  Took X-rays as a precaution.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice and a special sauce.  She prepared the meal in the crock pot.  Very good.

Tonight we watched another episode of Suspect.  Nancy headed to bed early.  I watched another episode of my favorite Norwegian Cop show Wisting.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Weather in LA much warmer than GR.  But why not it is November.

November in MI is always dark and gloomy.  Not my favorite month.  During my working days I would be inspecting bridges on a dark November day.  I would take a photo of every bridge and in most cases the flash would go off, even at high noon.  

Temperature in low 40s when check the front yard at 2200.  Rain predicted for tonight.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

November 11, 2020

 Wednesday November 11, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Slept in until 0700.  The temperature was 39.  Our warm spell is over.  Nancy put on warm clothes and headed out on her 3 mile morning walk.  This afternoon she works at the Gardens.

Today is Veteran’s Day.  Hug a Vet today.  I will ask fellow veterans my standard VD question.  Do you remember your serial number.  Nearly 100% do even after 50 years.

Breakfast and then I put on my pea coat and headed to Panera. Walked into a strong 15 mph wind.  It was miserable but will enjoy the walk home with wind at back.

Ordered my morning coffee and a croissant and settled down for reading the papers and writing blog.  I enjoy my time reading and drinking coffee.  Gives my morning some purpose.

I was right, the walk home was pleasant with wind at my back.  The temperature was 40.

As soon as I got home I hopped in the Fusion and ran some errands.  First stop was the Cascade Twp office.  I wanted to ask about fall yard waste pickup.  No luck because the office was closed because of Veteran’s Day.

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought suet for the birds.  Also bought another suet feeder.  We now have three.  I think suet is the best way to feed birds.  Not very messy and it is easy to squirrel proof the feeders.

Nancy had already left for the Gardens when I got home.  Normal weekdays lunch.  Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out the trash and recyclables.

After chores I took a nice long nap.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.  This week I have achieved 10,000 steps every day.

Nancy got off early from her shift at the Gardens.  They were not very busy.

This and that:

Coronavirus and the Presidential election still dominates the news.

All the pro-democracy legislators in Hong Kong have resigned.  The loss of democracy in China is serious.  Why haven’t democratic countries rebelled against the autocratic Chinese regime.  What will President Biden do?  I would like to visit either Hong Kong or Singapore before get too old.

The UK is being overrun with deer.  They are destroying trees.  Many conservationists are pushing venison as the food of choice.  I can relate to this problem.  In High School strawberry growers in Alpena were given permission to shoot all the deer destroying their new plants.  The venison was given to the school lunch program.  For weeks venison burgers and other venison items were on the menu.  I like venison.  Today the thumb sucking state bureaucrats will not allow venison on a school menus.  Stupid!

Cheerios for dinner tonight.  I had mine with yogurt, cottage cheese and croissant.  Dessert was a vanilla pudding.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  They both wished me a Happy Veteran’s Day.  Missy sent me a photo of Ltjg Scott in Vietnam.  I sent Debbie several photos of me in Navy uniform.  It was much colder today in MI than Ca.

In jest yesterday I told Missy to take a Veteran to lunch.  She took me seriously.  She sent an Amherst classmate a food gift card.  The classmate was in the Navy.  

Tonight we watched episode 1 Season 3 of Suspects on Acorn.  It was ok.

Cold and windy when I checked the yard at 2200.  Temp will drop to 29 tonight.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November 10, 2020

 Tuesday November 10, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Nancy has an early exercise class at MVP.  I am still in the healing process,  so no exercise except short walks.  Maybe on Thursday I will try a short bike ride.

Before breakfast I shaved and washed up the best I could.  No full shower for several weeks.  

For breakfast I had oatmeal with a banana.  The yogurt we froze was still frozen solid this morning despite being in the refrigerator for 12 hours. 

It was nearly 70 when I headed out on my walk to Panera.  I had to get my lightweight coat out of storage.

This and that:

Record Coronavirus case in both Mi and the USA.  Great the see Panera staff this morning breaking up a large group of folks in violation of health guidelines.  Took some guts.  The group complied.

Looks like Apple will have soon have an operating system for the MAC like the iPhone.  I will get a laptop as soon as this happens. Initial reviews are promising.

The townships, Cascade and Ada, have placed markers at the edge of the bikes paths.  The markers help snowplows stay on path. Sure sign of winter.

The Azerbaijan and Armenia ceasefire is a win for Turkey.  Why is NATO so timid in censoring Turkey.

Good grief will POTUS just stop being so petty.  Firing his Defense Secretary so late in his administration does not make sense.

Pleasant walk home.  Before lunch I ran errands.  Picked up pea coat from cleaners.  I might need it tomorrow.

Next stop Meijer’s.  Replenished yogurt, pudding and sugar fee cookie stock.  Meijer’s was empty.

Lunch and then headed down to the office.  Before settling down I put out corn for deer and picked up cobs.  The deer must be eating the corn after dark because I have not seen any lately.

This afternoon Nancy and I made a quick trip to Trader Joe’s.  We had to wait outside for about 10 minutes.  The kids tell us that in CA they never have to wait at Trader Joe’s.  Having many stores helps.  We only have one in GR.  We purchased several frozen dinners.

Just before dinner I looked outside and saw four deer eating our corn and chewing on the mineral block.  Made our day!

For dinner I had the frozen cod dinner we purchased today.  It was very good.  Also had corn and cottage cheese.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I checked and I think we have enough episodes left for another year’s viewing.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Wisting. Actually I watched the episode that I slept through last night.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She complained of the cold in LA and we told her of the nice 75 degrees we had this afternoon.  Earlier today I checked the name of the new mascot for Amherst College, Missy’s alma mater.  They are the mammoth.  Annual tuition at Amherst is now $60,900.  Ouch!

This evening we had a huge electrical storm roll through with high winds and heavy rain.  Tonight the temperature will drop from 69 to 39.  Fall is coming back.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 9, 2020

 Monday November 9, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on a 3+ mile walk.  I stayed home.  This morning we are expecting a call from the refrigerator repair man telling us the time he will install the compressor.

The repairman called at 0830 and said “Bad News”.  The compressor was not delivered on Saturday as expected.  If it is delivered today they will install it late this afternoon.

Breakfast of oatmeal and a banana.  The temperature will reach 75 today so I had to get some light weight clothes out of the closet.  Grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.

Ordered coffee and a croissant before settling down to finish Sat and Sun blogs.  I might need a sabbatical from writing.

This and that:

I like listening to 40s tunes on XM but the station has switched to Christmas tunes.  Good grief it is early November.  

I am so tired of listening to all the Talking Heads on the networks.  Babble, babble, babble.  I sure don’t need or want their opinions.  I think I am capable enough to make my own decisions.  No one likes to be preached to.

Growing up I looked forward to the weekly issue of Time magazine.  Whether in college or the Navy I liked their reporting.  However, now Time Magazine is a left wing rag.  Slanted news and no objectivity.  A curse on Time.

I have the same opinion of Sports Illustrated.  I let my subscription expire.

My parents were big readers.  They also subscribed to Look, Colliers, Saturday Evening Post and of course the Detroit Free Press.

My parents were always arguing about the spelling and meaning of words.  They bought a huge Webster Dictionary and set it on a nice wood stand.  When questions arose they would consult the dictionary.  Mom usually won.  

My Great Grandfather’s 1938 Diary was hand written and the daily entries were very short.  Would GGF if he had a laptop have made his diary entries longer.  I think so.  Handwriting is difficult for us 80+ folks.

Pfizer announce successful tests of their Coronavirus vaccine.  The stock market goes bananas. Great news.  When available, I will be first in line.

Nancy and I watch Jeopardy every evening.  We were sorry to hear of the passing of Alex Trebek.

I am always making grammar errors.  I check my phone’s dictionary often.  Today I misspelled diary using dairy instead.  Typical mistake.

My advice to President Trump.  You lost, leave gracefully.  Is that possible?

The temperature was 75 when I left Panera.  Even worked up a sweat.  Lunch and then headed downstairs for more reading.

Nancy has a 1400 PT appointment.  Got a call about 1500 from Miller Appliance saying they will arrive in 45 minutes to install refrigerator compressor.

It took the repairman over an hour to install the compressor.  We now have a working refrigerator.  Nancy is very happy.  

We had several unopened yogurt packages when the refrigerator shut down.  We put the yogurt in the freezer.  It will be interesting to see if the yogurt will be digestible when it thaws out.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

For dinner tonight we had cheerios with fresh blueberries.  

Tonight we had FaceTime conversations with Granddaughter Alessandra and daughters Debbie and Missy.  We once again gloated that it was warmer in GR than LA or San Jose.  

Tonight we watched the season ending episode of Mystery Road on Acorn.  I liked the show filmed in Australia’s outback.  Nancy headed to bed and I started watching Wisting.  Fell asleep about 1 minute into the show.  

The temperature was 65 when checked the front yard.  Tomorrow will be our last day of unseasonably warm weather.

Monday, November 9, 2020

November 8, 2020

 Sunday November 8, 2020

Blog time 1030 on Monday at Panera.  Why did I not finish the blog yesterday?

Sunday morning up at 0630.  Nancy headed out for a walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera to get our morning coffee. I also got a cup of yogurt.    

At home I had an oatmeal breakfast and put the yogurt over the oatmeal to cool it.  We miss our refrigerator.

This morning we watched the virtual service from Trinity Lutheran.  Because of increases in coronavirus case no in person service today.

After the service I took a short walk.  Left home at 1130 for the Moleski’s.  Today we are having lunch with several book club members.  

Tom and Linda fixed chicken kabobs and vegetables all cooked on the grill.  For dessert we had cheesecake.  Good cheesecake, in fact I had a second piece.  Spent a pleasant hour in after lunch conversation. 

At home I took another short walk.  Spent several hours reading the Sunday paper both in print and online.  

For dinner I had a piece of toast with peanut butter and vanilla pudding.  Tonight we watched some of 60 Minutes.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Once again we gloated that it was warmer in GR than Ca.

This evening I stayed up and watched episode 2 of Wisting.  Love the Norwegian winter scenes.

Very mild when checked out at 2200.  Low tonight will be in 50s.  Warm for this time of year.

November 7, 2020

 Saturday November 7, 2020

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

As I start writing this blog I decided to check what my Great Grandfather Sanborn was doing today in 1938. 

GGF reported that the family had breakfast with the Bingham’s in Alpena.  In attendance were GGF’s three daughters, Laura Bingham, Julia Johnson and Florence Scott.

After breakfast GGF and GGM stopped at my parents to see the new (6 months) Scott baby, Bobby.  

Up this morning at 0700.  Today we walked to Panera.  It was sunny with temps already in mid 50s.  I had my oatmeal with bagel.  Nancy had coffee.

At home we drove to Breton Village so Nancy could make a return.  I was going to stop at Orvis but they did not open until 1100.  It was such a nice day we took the backroads home.

Nancy started the laundry and I spent some time cleaning cobwebs off the outside of the house and garage.  Also swept our lower deck and change the bulb in our lower outside light. Projects that should have been done a month ago.

Nancy checked her mail and found that she had a problem with her Credit Union.  The CU closes at 1200 so at 1145 we headed out.  Nancy got her problem corrected.

For lunch today I drove to Panera to buy a yogurt fruit cup.  No luck, yogurt is a breakfast item and they stop at 1000.  Bummer, headed home and had white bread with peanut butter, vanilla pudding and a bottle of Ensure protein shake.

Spent the rest of afternoon in office.  Stock market up, why? Joe Biden wins.  Trump remains defiant.  It is over POTUS.

Deer hunting season starts on November 15.  Big day in MI.  Usually on the weekend before the season Dad and I would go to his hunting camp, Doctor’s Club.  Most members were in attendance.  Spent the morning getting the camp ready for opening day.  

On this weekend in 1955 after a home football game my good friend Tom Cassell and I were invited by fellow player Lee Powely to drive to his Grandmother’s farm in Gladwin.  Our purpose was to go pheasant hunting on Saturday.  

We got to Gladwin about midnight.  First thing, Lee’s Grandmother treated us with some hot apple pie and ice cream.  The farm house had been in the family for over several generations.  As I remember very attractive. Slept like a log in a big old fashioned bed. 

Grandmother got us up early.  She fixed a great breakfast and packed us a lunch.  We spent most of the day hunting.  Both Lee and Tom got a bird.  I was empty handed.

For dinner Grandmother Powely prepared pheasant with a special sauce.  It was absolutely great.  Next morning after another 3000 calorie breakfast we hunted for several hours before heading home.  Oh! the things we remember.

I did not watch any football today.  Good thing both UM and MSU got trounced.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Nancy really misses having a working refrigerator.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Queen’s Gambit.  It was good enough that we will watch episode 2.

I stayed up and watched a Norwegian Cop show called Wisting on Acorn.  It was good.  The show is shot in December with lots of snow. Rural Norway is beautiful in winter.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed this evening.  It was warmer in GR today than Ca.  

Temperature in mid 50s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Warm weather continues through Tuesday.


Saturday, November 7, 2020

November 6, 2020

 Friday November 6, 2020

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Nancy was first up at 0630.  She put on her swim suit and headed to MVP.  I rolled out at 0700.  Had my oatmeal breakfast and then grabbed backpack and walked to Panera.  50 with sun, perfect for a walk.  Noted that most of the trees are bare.

Why should a retired person be glad it’s Friday?  I don’t know but I am glad.

The election still dominates the news.  Most folks that I eavesdropped on were surprised it was so close.  Did the Press and Pollsters totally misread the public sentiment.  I think so.  They were so obsessed with being nice and woke that they forgot about the public especially those living between the coasts.  I am still amazed how stupid smart people are!

Kim is cleaning today.  When I get home Nancy and I will take a drive.  Maybe the beach today?

When I got home Nancy was waiting for the refrigerator repair man.  So I decided to make a quick drive to Church to buy a Christmas Wreath.  No luck the Wreath sale was over.

On way home swung into Groskopfs.  Bought a pair of black leather gloves.

The repairman arrive at 1300.  He make several checks and said we needed a new compressor.  He ordered a new one but it will not be delivered until Monday.  Bummer.

We emptied the refrigerator.  I salvaged a yogurt for lunch.  Nancy is upset at all the food that was lost.

After the repairman left we decided on a drive.  Today we took the back roads to Lowell.  Pleasant day for a drive.

We stopped at Tractor Supply in Lowell.  I bought a mineral block to put out for the deer and squirrels.

On our drive home Nancy commented on how she likes our back road car trips.  I agree.  Today was a perfect day for a trip. Bright sun.  The temperature reached 70 today.

At home I set out mineral block and several ears of corn.  Every day when I check, the corn has been stripped off the cob.  I don’t know if it is the deer or squirrels.  Also have noted several big Blue Jays eating the corn.

For dinner tonight we headed to Brann’s.  Arrived at 1730 and were surprised at how empty the place was.  Normally on Fridays we see office folks meeting for a drink before heading home.  Might be because most folks no longer work in an office.

For drinks, Nancy had a frozen  margarita and I had red wine.  We chatted awhile before ordering dinner.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich with fries and I had a bowl of chili.  Always good food at Brann’s.

Both Missy and Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  They both commented that rain predicted for this weekend in Ca.  They sure can use it.  Nancy and I gave a positive health report.

No Apple TV this evening.  Nancy headed to bed to read and I headed downstairs to finish reading the WSJ.

It was very pleasant when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will remain in 50s all night.  Another 70 degree day tomorrow. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

November 5, 2020

 Thursday November 5, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up at 0615.  Well rested.  I think my lack of exercise is why I don’t need much sleep.

Nancy had an early PT this morning.  I had my oatmeal breakfast with banana.

This morning’s TV was dominated by the election.  Several undecided States.  I did take away that the election will be close but Joe Biden is our next President.

President Trump is being a jerk.  He is suing everyone based on no evidence.  Just leave POTUS.

This morning I walked to Panera.  The temperature was in 50s with sun.  Very pleasant.  Bought coffee and a bagel and settled down for some reading.

It is now 1030 and I just got a call from Doctor Lambert’s office.  Dr Lambert is making my permanent upper denture.  They want to make a final inspection of my mouth.  They recommended that I accompany Nancy to their office.  Nancy has a 1230 appointment. 

Got home at 1200 and after a snack we drove to Doctor Lamberts office.  Nancy went in first.  She is getting measured for a nighttime mouth guard.  The only purpose for my visit was to check my mouth and see if I wanted any changes to my new dentures.  I did not.  The permanent denture should be ready in several week.  Happy Day! once installed I can start eating apples and other hard foods.

At home finished lunch.  Afternoon chores included:

Putting protective cover over the deck’s glider.

Going to Walmart.  Today we returned 65 bottles.  Used the deposit money to buy yogurt and pudding.

Put out corn for deer.

Paid bills.

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids and walked to mailbox to post.

No nap today.

This and that:

I can still not believe how much I misread the electorate.  Never would have thought the elections would be this close.

Great to see the record breaking turnout.  In a democracy the more participants the better.

The Coronavirus is returning to Mi.  Trinity Lutheran was gradually opening the church for Sunday services.  Got a notice yesterday that all services have returned to virtual.

Last week we had snow.  Next Sunday-Tuesday the temperatures will reach 70.  Yo-yo temps are not healthy.

The liberal House lost seats as did the conservative Senate.  Maybe the citizens want middle ground.  Maybe the politicians also misread the electorate.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a fried egg sandwich.  Love fried egg sandwich especially with soft white bread.

We did watch the news tonight.  POTUS must have made some inappropriate remarks during his short evening conference.  Mild mannered Shepard Smith was really put off by Presidents falsehoods.

Tonight we watched another London cop show on Acorn.  We also watched the final episode of Babylon Berlin on Netflix.

Missy called last night.  We are poles apart on our political views.  Good news the store’s in Missy’s neighborhood were not attacked.

It was 55 when checked the front yard this evening.  Another great sunny day tomorrow.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

November 4, 2020

 Wednesday November 4, 2020

Blog time 0945 sitting in office.

Alarm goes off at 0615.  Today Nancy has an early Doctor’s appointment, 0745.  They are checking her pacemaker.

I quickly get dressed and drove to Panera.  I bought 2 coffees and a croissant.  Enjoyed the coffee and croissant with my morning oatmeal.

Today is Breakfast Club.  Today’s talk was on the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies.  Ralph Hauenstein was a GR native who during WWII had an important role in Eisenhower’s Intelligence agencies.  After the war Colonel Hauenstein returned to GR and was a very successful businessman.  He founded and financed  the Center for Presidential Studies.  Colonel Hauenstein died in 2016 at age 103.  Good program.

This morning’s early news showed MI was still undecided.  Ballots in large cities, Detroit and GR were still not counted.

Nancy said her pacemaker is working well.  Next check in 12 months.

This morning we made a quick run to Breton Village.  Nancy shopped at Talbots and I headed to Fitzgerald’s and Jos Banks.

Nancy bought several tops and I bought a Merino Wool mock tee at Jos Banks.  During my convalescence mock tees have become my go to garment.

We also made a stop at FreshTyme.  Nancy bought some grapes.

At home spent time finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the news.  The election dominated the US news and UK news.  It appears folks in other countries are fascinated with US Democracy.

Once again I have completely misread the electors.  I thought Biden would win in a landslide.  Did not happen.  

I was disappointed that John James running for Senator did not win.  My only disappointment this election cycle.

The Coronavirus keeps hanging on.  The resurge in Europe is disconcerting.  We might not get back to normal until Spring 2021.

After lunch I took a long walk and then a nap.  

For dinner we had our normal Cheerios.  I also had a piece of pumpkin pie for dessert.

This evening we switched immediately to Netflix.  Watched an episode of London Cop show and then an episode of Vexed.  Vexed is a nice light show which we need occasionally.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok.

Nice and mild when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will be in 40s most of the night.  Pretty mild for November.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

November 3, 2020

 Tuesday November 3, 2020

Blog time 1740 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Nancy has a 0930 Dentist appointment.  Today she has two permanent crowns installed.

I drove to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a croissant.  Sat down for about 20 minutes and read the Alpena New.  

At home I had oatmeal and a banana.  This morning I started some errands.

Stopped at bank and got money for Kim who cleans on Friday.

Next dropped Pea Coat off at Dry Cleaners.

Stopped at Chow Hound to get a salt block and a bag of corn.  They had neither.

Final stop was Ace Hardware and bought a flap for our guest toilet.

At home Nancy had just arrived from Dentist.  We headed out on a trip to Horrick’s.  We bought cabbage and a 35# bag of corn.  My lifting limit is 20#.  Nancy had to help me lift the bag into the car.

Dropped Nancy off and then headed to Meijer’s to buy gas for Escape.  On the way I stopped at car wash.  Gas today was $2.05.  Inside Meijer’s I bought wine, cookies and yogurt.

To unload the corn I got a bucket and made several trips downstairs with the corn.  The corn is stored in a big garbage can with secure lid.

After lunch I took long nap.  Finished the afternoon with a walk.

Nancy worked in a 3 mile walk this afternoon.

Nancy also had a FaceTime conversation with Alessandra.  She was on her lunch break.

Today is Election Day, thank goodness.  Talked to our mail person and she said that the mail volume had a dramatic drop today.  No more political ads.

Just before dinner checked outside and 3 deer were eating the corn I put out earlier.

Finished the meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Also had corn and a croissant.  Good meal.

Missy Facetimed us around dinner time.  Veronica telephoned this evening.  Debbie also FaceTimed this evening.  We were able to get caught up.  The Coronavirus is a pain for the kids in CA.  

We did not watch the news tonight.  It was all about the election.  We have had it with elections.

Tonight we watched another Detective Show set in modern day London.  We both gave it a B.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Babylon  Berlin.  One episode left.

It was still mild, low 50s, when checked the front yard.  Tomorrow the temp might reach 70.