Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wednesday April 29, 2020

Wednesday April 29, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

It rained hard all night.  Nancy said it was still raining when she took Ms P out at 0600.  Temp in mid 50s.

Today Nancy and I are going to Meijer’s to replenish our larder.  We want to arrive at 0800 when the store opens.

Today is my easy Wednesday so I completed my calisthenics in 15 minutes.  Showered and then we headed out.

Meijer’s was not crowded.  Folks are complying with Coronavirus rules.  I bet 95% of customers were wearing a mask.  75% wore gloves.  Nancy and I were in complete compliance.

It took us an hour to load up our cart.  Biggest grocery bill I can remember.

On way home we stopped at Panera to get a cup of coffee.  Light roast for me and hazelnut for Nancy.  

At home it took us 1/2 hour to unload car.  After this chore I had a bowl of oatmeal.

Retired to my office.  My sister and her friends are gathering pictures of their mothers for a Mother’s Day project.  Helen asked me if I could text some photos.  I complied.

Read the Alpena News and checked email before finishing yesterday’s blog.  With the Coronavirus dominating the news it is difficult to find newsworthy items to comment on.

Lunch and then a nap.  Fixed our apple snack.  Pumped up the Bianchi bike tires and took a 5 mile bike ride.

Light dinner of cereal and fruit.  Fixed Nancy her after dinner cheese/cracker/pill snack.  I had an oatmeal cookie and then fixed a cocktail of Vernor’s ginger ale and a shot of Ginger whiskey.  Very good.  I am afraid it could become habit forming.  I have to be careful with the hard stuff.  Family has problems with hard liquor.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched episode 1 of Deadwater Fell.  It has potential.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  We all gave a positive health report.  

Missy did have some concerns about Akerke’s 6th Grade math.  I looked at an assignment dealing with triangles.  I thought it was advanced for the 6th grade.  I never encountered this material until I was a 10th grader and then I struggled.   

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tuesday April 28, 2020

Tuesday April 28, 2020

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  Nancy had already fed Ms P and was getting ready for her 3.5 mile walk.

I did calisthenics and dressed for a bike ride.  Quick breakfast before heading out.  Today I rode 8 miles.  Temp was in mid 50s.  I was overdressed and ended the ride drenched in sweat.  Shaved and showered.  Spent time in the office finishing yesterday’s blog and reading email and news.

Nancy had to pick up at prescription at Costco.  I drove her.  Costco has strict entrance requirements.  They only allow 5 folks at a time.  Masks are mandatory.  Waited in the car and noted everyone exiting the store was wearing a mask.

Dropped Nancy off and then headed to Ada Bike Shop.  Picked up my Bianchi bike.  Ada Bike is complying with the rules.  I had to wear a mask and stay outside while they brought the bike to me.

The sun and 70 degrees got me in the mood to get our deck in shape.  Cleaned table, brought up two chairs and the deck umbrella.  The deck looks good.

Lunch and then a nap.  Screwed up again, no apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a 1/2 mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a juicy burger with onion, chips and fresh pineapple.  Very tasty.

Tonight after the news we watched a rerun of NCIS.  We also watched part two of an episode of Agatha Raisin.  It was ok.

Debbie and Missy made what is now a daily call to check up on Bob and Nancy.  We gave a positive report.

It was raining hard when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temp in mid 50s.  Rain predicted for most of Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Monday April 27, 2020

Monday April 27, 2020

Blog time 1000 sitting in office

Welcome to another week of Sheltering In Place

Nancy was already up and had taken care of Ms P when I woke at 0630.  Nancy headed out for her 3.5 mile walk.  It is a beautiful sunny day.  Temp in mid 30s but will warm to mid 60s.

Headed downstairs and competed my calisthenics at 50%.  Showered and then breakfast of oatmeal, toast and banana.  

Headed back down to the office.  First order of business was to read the Alpena News and emails before finishing yesterday’s blog and starting today’s.

Some comments on getting old:

No longer sleep as sound as 20 years ago.

My personality has changed.  I am more short tempered.  Crotchety is the proper term.

I cannot multi task.  I will walk downstairs to get my iPad and a sweater.  I get upstairs and realize I forgot one item.

My love for Nancy has gotten stronger.
Like my Grandfather Scott I get weepy eyed often.  I hear Amazing Grace and tears flow.

I select the flatter bike route over the more difficult hilly one.

If Nancy wants to drive I will let her. 

I will now send High School classmates I have not seen in years a birthday email.  

I have no interest in poplar culture.  40s and 50s music is fine.  I recognize no one in People magazine.

I no longer have an iron clad stomach.  Spicy foods upset me.

No interest in team sports. However,  I do like  to watch ninja warriors on TV.

I can not walk past a men’s toilet without stopping.

I now have a Doctor for every orifice.  I used Siri to find out how to spell orifice.  

I recently returned to Church.  Jesus had it right.  Love thy neighbor and forgive and forget.  

If a pretty girl smiles at me it makes my day.

I like the fact that my Daughters are concerned about my well being.

I forgot the rest!

Before lunch I took a 1.5 mile walk.  Lunch was yogurt, hard boiled egg and Pinconning cheese.

This after noon I took a nap.  So I would not forget I put an alert on my iPhone to remind me to fix apple snack.  It worked.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched the news and Jeopardy before turning on Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Agatha Raisin.  It is a two parter so we will continue tonight.

Debbie and Missy called tonight to check on us.  We are ok.

Took Ms P out a 2200 and we had mild rain.  Temperature tomorrow might reach 70.  70 is good.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Sunday April 26, 2020

Sunday April 26, 2020

Blog time 1215 sitting in living room

I got up early, for me, this morning 0645.  Nancy had taken care of Ms P and was getting ready for her 3+mile walk.

I showered before breakfast.  Same breakfast as always, oatmeal, banana, 1/2 sandwich thin toasted with peanut butter.  Boring! But satisfying.

While Nancy was walking I downloaded YouTube on our big screen TV in den.  I watched several Bagpipe parades.  

When it came time for our Sunday church service I could not get it.  Quickly moved to the living room and watched on my IPad.  Good service today.

Speaking of my iPad I got a note from Apple that my daily use last week exceeded 5 hours per day.  That’s a lot of screen time.

This and that:

How sick is the North Korean leader?

China has taken advantage of our distraction with the Coronavirus to make moves in the South China Sea.

Today is a beautiful day with temps in the mid 60s.  Will this warming help stop the spread of the Coronavirus?

We now have 14 hours of daylight.

Burl Ives is the best gospel singer.

Our downstairs slider alarm has been acting up.  I just ran a check and it works fine.

Before lunch I took a mile walk.  Lunch today was yogurt and Pinconning cheese.

I did take a nice long nap this afternoon.  Slept on my back for 2 hours.  

Forgot today to prepare apple snack.  I will start putting an alert in my phone.

Spent time in the office writing Thank You notes to folks that sent me a birthday card.  Is it proper to send the notes via email for txt?  

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie and melon.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes before switching to Apple TV and watching an episode of Midsomer Murders.  We have been watching Midsomer for years.  We have to run out of episodes soon?

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  They both complained how hot it was in CA.  Boo Hoo.  We gave a positive health report.

Mid 40s when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Noted a beautiful bright crescent moon.  With the clear sky the temperature will drop to mid30s tonight.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Saturday April 25, 2020

Saturday April 25, 2020

Blog time 1715 sitting in office

Nancy was up early this morning.  Took Ms P out and was getting ready for a walk when I got up at 0715.  It was 35 when Nancy headed out for her 2.5 mile walk.

I headed downstairs and did reduced calisthenics before shaving and showering.  Breakfast the morning was the same as always, oatmeal, banana, and 1/2 sandwich thin with peanut butter.  

The Sheltering In Place probably has hurt businesses like Panera.  I have not had a cup of coffee in a week and don’t miss it.  The Better Oats instant oatmeal I have at home is better than Panera’s so I will now have my oatmeal at home.  

My first project this morning was to find my favorite jack knife.   I checked all my winter coats in storage.  The pants of all the lined pants I had put away.  Finally I found it in the pocket of the bulky winter cardigan I had stored.  Mission accomplished.

Went online and found out that my favorite cleaners was open.  I took eight shirts and two of Nancy’s sweaters.

This morning I also took a short walk to the post box.  Longest walk this week.

Spent the rest of the morning in my office checking emails and reading papers.  Can I really call it a paper if the image is digital.  Will my Grandkids just say online news?

Lunch was yogurt, hard boiled egg and Pinconning cheese and crackers.  I took a nap following lunch.  No apple snack after the nap.  I just forgot!

For dinner Nancy fixed stout pie with a salad and baguette.  Nancy had Mac&cheese.  Nancy and I also split a Lava Cake.  Sinful.

Tonight we headed directly to the den to watch a movie on Apple TV.  Before starting I fixed a drink.  8oz of lemonade with a shot of Ginger Whisky.  The ingredients were part of a birthday gift from Kathi Kothe.  Very good it could be habit forming.

Before the movie we got FaceTime messages from both Debbie and Missy.  They complained of the heat and we envied them.  Every one is doing ok.

The movie we selected was on Prime,  The Double starring Richard Gere.  Nancy gave it a C+ and I gave it a C-.  

The temp was in mid50s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Nice day tomorrow with temperature reaching 60.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Friday April 24, 2020

Friday April 24, 2020

Blog time 1120 sitting in living room

Up at 0700 this morning.  Checked my weather app and the temperature was 36.  Cool but above freezing.

Nancy had already taken Ms P out and now was getting ready for her morning 3.5 mile walk.  Her afternoon walk is a shorter walk, 1.5 miles.  Way to go Nancy.

I did some light calisthenics this morning before showering.  I fixed my usual breakfast.

This morning Kathi Kothe dropped off a birthday present for me.  Included was a bottle of Ginger Whiskey.  I like to fix a glass a Vernor’s Ginger Ale with a shot of Ginger Whiskey.  Very good.  Also included in the package was chocolate lava cake.  Thanks a lot Kathi.

Spent most of the morning in the living room.  Read the Alpena News and emails before finishing yesterday’s blog.

This morning I am going to depart from my routine and head to the Den and watch the final episodes of the Valhalla Murders on Netflix.  Good show, although I did sleep through some of it.

Lunch and then a nap.  After nap fixed our apple snack.

Spent some time catching up on the news.  Since we have been Sheltering in Place my daily iPad time has increased an hour.

For dinner tonight I had a ham sandwich and coleslaw.  After dinner fixed Nancy her cracker/cheese/pill snack with an oatmeal cookie for me.  Also fixed a drink, ginger whiskey in Vernor’s Ginger Ale.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them we are still sheltering in place and everyone is ok.  In fact I did not leave the house today.
After the news we watched the final two episodes of Bosch.  Nancy gave it a C and I thought it deserved a B+.

Temperature was in mid 50s when I took Ms P out at 2200.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Thursday April 23, 2020

Thursday April 23, 2020

Blog time 1245 sitting in office

No frost last night but temps were still a cool 32.  I was up at 0700.  Today for the first time this week I did some light calisthenics.  Shaved and showered before breakfast.  

Breakfast of oatmeal, muffin and banana.  I even took a short walk after breakfast.  Starting to feel better.

Spent all morning in the office.  I had the electric fire place on all morning.  Will I ever warm up.

Read the Alpena News and emails before finishing yesterday’s blog.  Sent some thank you emails.

Got an email from the Breakfast Club.  They are going to have next Wednesday’s meeting on Zoom.  I downloaded zoom to my iPad.  It should be interesting.

This morning Nancy drove to Meijer’s Drive Thru Pharmacy.  She picked up a prescription for Ms P.  The monthly cost of Petunia’s pills exceeds the total cost of both Nancy and my pills.

Lunch today was yogurt and a hard boiled egg.  I was cold so after lunch I took a nap in my bed with electric blanket on high.  It did not help much.

Fixed our apple snack.  I took two Motrin hoping it would help me get warm.  It worked.

For dinner tonight we had Cheerios.  I also had several baguettes.

After dinner I fixed Nancy her cheese snack and I had a cookie.  Watched the news and Jeopardy in the living room.  At 2000 we headed to the Den and watched an episode of Call the MidWifes on Apple TV.

As soon as the lock down is over I will get a Direct TV technician in to fix the TV in the den.  Direct TV keeps cutting out.  Direct TV works fine in the living room and kitchen.  Apple TV works great in the den.

Debbie and Missy called us tonight.  CA is having a heat wave and we are cold.  However, we all are doing ok.

Temp in high 30s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Slow warmup starting.   

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wednesday April 22, 2020

Wednesday April 22, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Nancy said it was very cold this morning.  Temp in mid 20s.  I slept in until 0700.  Looked out window and saw light snow.

Showered before breakfast.  Oatmeal and English muffin with peanut butter before heading downstairs.

Read my email and the Alpena News.  With everyone confined to home and stores and schools closed the News has little to report on.  It’s editions are getting smaller everyday.

I wrote a short note on a birthday card for my Cousin Bette Scott Krueger.  Bette lives in TN.  Her birthday was yesterday.

Nancy ordered some food from Horrick’s.  Horrick’s has a program where they will bag your order and bring it to your car.

We left home at 1000 and first stop was mail box to send Cousin Bette her birthday car.  Next we parked at Horrick’s pickup area.  Called the store and they brought out our order and put in the trunk.   No human contact.

Next stop was Macatawa Bank.  We got money from the ATM.

At Petunia’s Vet we drove up and gave our name to the attendant.  They brought the prescription out to the car.  Once again no contact.

At home I headed downstairs to the office.  Today is my 82nd birthday so Nancy brought me several presents.  I received several  cards and our financial advisor sent me a cookie so I immediately ate it.

My Sister called from Gaylord to wish me a Happy Birthday.  It was snowing in Gaylord.  Helen and Don are sheltering in place.

This afternoon we are driving to Culver’s and ordering frozen custard.  This is my birthday treat.

Light lunch, yogurt and hard boiled egg.  After lunch I took a nap.  

At 1630 we drove to Culver’s.  Nancy ordered an ice cream hot fudge sundae and I had a medium frozen custard.  We ate our treats as soon as we got home.  Very tasty.

I received FaceTime Birthday calls from:

Veronica and Granddaughter Alessandra.

Missy and Granddaughter Akerke.

Son Stephen make several efforts to phone me.  We were unable to connect.  

I appreciated all the calls.  It was very nice. 

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed meatloaf with mashed potatoes with coleslaw.  A great midwestern dinner.

Tonight after the news and Jeopardy we watched two episode of Bosch on Prime.  Light rain when I took Ms P out at 2200.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tuesday April 21, 2020

Tuesday April 21, 2020

Blog time 1130 sitting in office.

Woke up to sunshine at 0730 this morning.  Nancy had already been out and she said it was cold and windy.  Checked my weather app and sure enough wind chill was 22.  That is cold for late April.  

Shaved and showered before breakfast.  While dressing I looked out window and saw it was snowing.  It is not suppose to snow!

Breakfast of oatmeal and an English muffin with peanut butter.  Immediately after I headed down to the office to finish reading yesterday’s papers and finish yesterday’s blog.

Today is my cousin Bette’s birthday.  Bette is a year and a day older than I am.  Emailed Bette’s sister Judy in Alpena to get her email address.  Apparently Bette does not have email but I got her mailing address.  Bette now lives in TN.  Will send a card tomorrow.

I really don’t think I have to read the news because it is all about the Coronavirus.  The WSJ does have some good news stories especially in their World News section.

I just got a trial subscription to the English paper “The Telegraph”.  The UK has free universal health care for all their citizens.  After reading a week of news I think the UK’s health system is inferior to the USA.  The lack PPE is a major problem much worse than in the USA.  The same with Ventilators.  There are not enough.  The Telegraph continually reports on the short comings of the National Health Service.

Looked out the window just now and it is spitting snow.  The bad weather did not stop me from putting away the winter clothes and bringing up the warm weather gear.  I am an optimist

Nancy did take two walks today.  She cut both walks short because of the wind chill.

Lunch of yogurt and a hard boiled egg.  After lunch I took a nap.  Slept sound for 90 minutes.  Fixed our apple snack.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me chicken soup with dumplings.  She had Mac&cheese followed by her cheese/cracker/pill snack.  I had an oat meal cookie.

Tonight after the news we watched another episode of Bosch on Prime.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok in CA and MI.

It was still cold and windy when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tonight the temp will drop to mid 20s.  This is the last time the temp will drop below 32 until late fall, I hope.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Monday April 20, 2020

Monday April 20, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

Nancy and Ms P had already been out when I got up at 0800.  Today will be another day inside.  No exercises.

Showered before I had my oatmeal breakfast with a blueberry scone.  My stomach flu has sapped my appetite.  Stepped on scale this morning and weighed 144#.

Checked my email and read the Alpena News after breakfast.  The number of Coronavirus cases in NE Mi is slowly increasing.  

About 1000 I got tired so took my kindle and sat in my recliner and read a Ken Follett book, The Third Twin.  Fell asleep immediately and woke up in time for lunch.

Lunch and then I spent some time in the office checking finances.  Paid my charge card bill before heading upstairs to take another nap.  I slept a good two hour.

This and that:

Coronavirus still totally dominates the news.

While all the news is on the emergency health services. Other health service sectors not dealing with Coronavirus are financially hurting.   Actual visits to your GP are not possible.  I had a virtual talk with my GP but it is not the same.  Surgeries are being postponed.  A real financial drain on doctors and hospitals.

Under cover of the Coronavirus, China is arresting Hong Kong democracy leaders.

I think one of the best things Congress could do to help workers is to suspends the payroll tax for the rest of the year.

We had Cheerios with blueberry muffins for dinner.  Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker with pill snack before settling down to watch the news and Jeopardy.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  They are doing fine but I think some CabinFever is starting.  We told them Nancy and I are still sheltering in place.

This evening we watched two episodes of Bosch on Prime.  It was raining when took Ms P out at 2200.  More rain tonight and temps near 32 by daylight.  

Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunday April 19, 2020

Sunday April 19, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Nancy was up early today.  I slept in until almost 0800.

I had my oatmeal breakfast with an English muffin.  I promised Nancy that I would stay inside today.  I have complied.

Took a shower after Breakfast.  Put on clean dry clothes.

Read some of the GRP and then fired up YouTube and watched Trinity Lutheran’s 0915 service.  It was really quite good.

This morning I took a nap while Nancy headed out on a 2.25 mile walk.  It was sunny but very windy.  Temperatures remained in the 50s today.

When I woke from my nap Nancy was sitting on the deck sunning herself.  She said it was very pleasant if you stayed out of the wind.

I had yogurt for lunch.  The rest of the day I sat in my living room easy chair and read the GRP and the news on my laptop.  Kudos to Peggy Noonan for a great OpED in yesterday’s WSJ.

At 1530 Nancy headed out on another walk.  This time it was 1.5 miles.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs with spinach pie.  Good meal.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  I think 60 Minutes is getting a little long in the tooth.

We moved to den and finished the evening watching Midsomer Murders.  The Girls, Debbie and Missay called us tonight.  Everything was reported ok.  I think they both are getting cabin fever.

Warm up coming.  Next week high temps will be in 40s and 50s.  About time.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saturday April 18, 2020

Saturday April 18, 2020

Blog time noon sitting in office.

This morning after Ms P was fed Nancy and I headed out on a walk.  Temperature was in high 20s.  We never saw another person.  We walked 1.75 miles.

As soon as we got home I fixed my oatmeal breakfast with banana and toast.  I never get tired of this breakfast.

First item of work after breakfast was to bring in the groceries we purchased on Thursday.  The experts say in two days all the bad germs should be dead.

Also hung up a new suet cake.  We are surprised at how many different birds peck at the suet.

Spent several hours in the office reading and checking emails before finishing calisthenics.  Showered and shaved upstairs because it is warmer.

Nancy took another walk this afternoon.  I am proud of her walking ability.  An article in the WSJ pointed out the great benefits of walking.

I got chilled on our walk today and spent the day trying to warm up with no success.  I wore a heavy poncho but still could not get warm.

Light lunch and then headed to bed.  Put the electric blanket on high with no success.  Stayed inside for the rest of the day.

Nancy fixed a light dinner.   I had English muffin toast.  After dinner we headed to the den to watch two episodes of Bosch.  I used the heating pad to try and warm up. No luck.

Debbie and Missy called us tonight for a status report.  We said everything was ok.  I lied.

Nancy said I felt feverish.  So I went to bed with warm pants and shirts and the electric blanket on high.  Surprise at 1100 I woke up completely covered in sweat.  Thankfully the fever had broken.  Changed clothes before returning to bed for a good night’s sleep.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Friday April 17, 2020

Friday April 17, 2020

Blog time 1240 sitting in office.

Today is Birthday Day in the Scott family.

Granddaughter Alessandra Cecilia Ocano Robles Scott celebrates her eleventh birthday.  Alessandra is a ray of sunshine.  We especially enjoyed her visit last Thanksgiving.  She accompanied Debbie to GR.

Last night Veronica sent us video clips of folks driving by Alessandra’ home to celebrate her birthday.  The first video shows a Long Beach Police car driving by Alessandra’s home with sirens blazing wishing her a Happy Birthday.  The second video shows a number of Alessandra’s friends driving by with horns blaring and balloons.  Her friend were wishing her a Happy Birthday.

It makes me happy to see this kind of spirit among young folks.  God Bless them all!

April 17 is also the birthday of my father, Robert Sanborn Scott.  Dad was born in Virginia, MN in 1906.  His father owned a logging company and sawmill.

I can say a lot of nice things about Dad but the one thing I admire most is his actions during my Sister’s battle with Polio.  Dad was a workaholic and had just started a new engineering company,  Scott Engineering Company.  

The only hospital in Northern Michigan that could handle Polio patient’s was Munson Hospital in Traverse City.  Munson was 140 miles from Alpena.

Mom and Dad accompanied the ambulance to TC.  Of course they had a flat tire on there way which panicked everyone.

I remember an old employee telling me that Dad called all his staff together about 15 folks.  He told them that they were on their own because he would be gone until Helen got better.  Mom and Dad stayed in the Park Place Hotel.  He was gone about 6 weeks.  Family came first for Dad.

This morning Nancy was up first and took Ms P out.  I got up at 0700.  Checked my weather app and it said it would start snowing at 0800.

I told Nancy.  She wanted to get her walk done before it started snowing.  She immediately headed out on a 3 mile walk.

I was right behind her.  I took my summer bike and headed out.  About ten minutes into the ride it started snowing.  It was a light snow so no problem biking.  Today I rode nine miles.

At home I completed my calisthenics before showering.  Breakfast today started at 1000.  About 2 hours behind schedule.  But who care when we are sheltered at home.  Finished breakfast and headed downstairs to finish blog and read papers and email.

I did call my sister, Helen.  I always call her on Mom or Dad’s birthday.  We took a trip down memory lane.

Lunch and then a nap.  I got chilled on my bike ride.  I think I should not ride when the temp is below freezing and it is windy.  Riding on these days lowers my body’s core temperature.  I never did warm up.

This afternoon we FaceTimed Alessandra and wished her Happy Birthday.  I am sure she enjoyed our boisterous singing of Happy Birthday.

Fixed our apple snack.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chili.  She also baked drop biscuits.  Very good.

Tonight I enjoyed the Brooks and Shield debate on the PBS news.  Turned on Apple TV and watched 1st episode of season 6 of Bosch on Prime.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  They told us how nice the weather was in CA and we told them it was snowing in GR.  We win!