Sunday, March 31, 2019

Saturday March 30, 2019

Saturday March 30, 2019

Blog time 1210 at Cascade Library 

Ms P and I got up at 0630.  It was 35 and raining when we went out.

Performed some calisthenics before getting dressed.  No walk to Panera because of the rain.  We drove.  

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast and Nancy just had coffee.  Talked with several regulars who are going on a Danube River Cruise from the Black Sea to Budapest.  Same cruise Nancy and I took several years ago.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I drove to Ace Hardware to purchase light bulbs.  I bought several that the salesman said would last fifteen years.  I don’t believe it.  

Replaced the bulbs.  Grabbed my backpack put on raincoat and walked to Cascade Library.  Found a comfortable desk.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read the morning papers.  I did like Peggy Noonan’s OpEd in the WSJ.  I think her thoughts reflect the feelings of most moderate folks.

It was still sprinkling on the walk home.  Quick lunch and then headed downstairs.

Completed calisthenics.
Shaved and showered.
Put away clean clothes.
Completed reading the papers and checking email.
Fixed apple snack.

At 1730 we picked up our old neighbor, Sonya, and headed to Houlihan’s for dinner.  Nancy and Sonya had sandwiches.  I had salmon with mashed potatoes and asparagus.  We all liked our meal.  We were home by 2000.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.  Tonight we watched an episode of Secret City.

Temperature tonight is suppose to drop to low 20s.  Two more days of frigid temps before return to normal Spring weather.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Friday March 29, 2019

Friday March 29, 2019

Blog time noon at Panera.

Nancy took Ms P out this morning.  I slept in until 0630.  Nancy headed to MVP this morning.  I told her to take it easy.

After breakfast I took the short bike route, 4 mi, to the Y.  It was 35 degrees with bright sun.  I have been able to ride my bike every day this week.  Great news.

Calisthenics, walk and row this morning.  After the shower I headed to Panera. It was 10 degrees warmer.

This morning;

I made a note to ask Nancy about her high school reunion this summer.  I think we should go.

I got the email address of a school chum, Maury Cohen.  I think his birthday is today so I wished him a Happy Birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, Phil Hertel, has the same birth date as yours truly.  Nancy has arranged that we have dinner on Apr 22.  Phil’s daughters were classmates with Debbie and Missy.  Also Phil’s girl friend, Becky Verker, is the Mother of Steve’s friend Brad Verker.  Good Grief I wrote about this in my March 26 blog.  Senior moment?
BRexit is making the U.K. government look foolish and confused.  

POTUS gave a 90 minute speech in GR last night.  It was 100% political and nasty.  The next 18 months are going to be embarrassing for the USA.

Health Care will be the big issue in the 2020 elections.  I am happy with my health care but someone has to come up with a plan to control prescription costs.  The cost of insulin has skyrocketed for no reason.  It is criminal.

50% of the folks at Panera are reading on an electronic device.

After lunch I started some chores;

Loaded up winter bike and took it to Ada Bike to get snow tires removed.  Will pick up next week.

Removed all trash cans and mats from garage.  I swept up all the sand and dirt that accumulated this winter.  Nancy had to help me put the dirt in a trash bag.

Took a nap.

Fixed apple snack.

For dinner Nancy fixed a chicken breast filled with spinach.  I had mine with two baked potatoes and fresh tomatoes.  Very good.

We watched some NCAA BB before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched the new movie “The Highwaymen.  It starred Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson.  It was set in 1934 in the midst of the Depression.  The Highwaymen were searching for Bonnie and Clyde.  Good movie.  I gave it an A-.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Thursday March 28, 2019

Thursday March 28, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera.

Up at 0620 and took Ms P out.  It was a balmy 48.  My weather app says no rain today.  Good.

Nancy’s cold will not give up.  She stayed home from MVP today.  I will suggest later that we go to Russ’s for dinner.  She can get a bowl of chicken rice soup.

After breakfast I headed to the Y via the 5.5 mile route.  I deleted several layers of clothes because of the balmy temps.

Calisthenics, walk and then shower.  No rowing today.  I was just lazy.

Bright sunshine on the ride to Panera.  The temp is now 59.

I got an email from old employee Jennifer Dougherty.  Jennifer is a graduate of MSU.  She had received an email from the MSU library requesting donations for a drive to preserve their comic book collection.  MSU has a huge comic book collection.  

The head of this collection is Randy Scott.  Jennifer asked if Randy was my cousin.  Sure enough I replied, Randy Scott is indeed my cousin.  One of many Scott family high achievers.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Nancy told me she had visited the Doctor this morning, actually a PA.  She was given a prescription.

Quick lunch and then we all got in the car and headed to Costco.   Nancy picked up two prescriptions for herself and two for Ms P.  Guess whose medicine was more expensive?  I bought two bottles of wine.

Next stop was Meijer’s.  I picked up my MG medicine.

Afternoon activities

Took a nap.

Fixed apple snack.

Had a nice walk in bright sun.

The weather man said that today is the first day since mid October the temperature was above 60.

Tonight POTUS is holding a rally at Van Andel arena.  Some folks spent the night waiting to get in.  First come first serve.  Over 6,000 will attend.  We will not attend.

For dinner tonight we headed to Russ’s for a bowl of chicken rice soup.  I told Nancy the soup is better medicine than her pills.

At home I fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack.  We watched some news before switching to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders, episode 1, Season 20.

I was going to watch the start of the UM/TT BB game but it was delayed.  Just as well UM got creamed.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wednesday March 27, 2019

Wednesday March 27, 2019
Blog time 1100 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday, the alarm goes off at 0515.  I get right up and take Ms P out.  It was 25 with a bright moon.  The temp will get to mid 50s later.

I left home for the University Club at 0615.  Traffic was fairly heavy.  Before going to BC I walked around the block.  I like to watch the progress on the new multi story office building on Ottawa at Pearl.  Progress seems real slow.

We had about 20 members in attendance.  Today’s speaker was a fellow BC member who runs a home health service.  Bottom line it would cost a minimum of $100 per day to have a home health worker visit our home to make sure we took our meds and are eating right.  Getting old is expensive.

Drove straight home after BC.  Nancy was not home so I assume she went to MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.  This evening we are attending class at Trinity Lutheran.  We might even go to their Lenten soup dinner.  Got on bike and headed to Panera.

Got home from Panera just as Nancy was leaving for the Gardens.  We decided to eat at home tonight.  We will attend the 1915 class.

At home did some calisthenics before lunch.  After lunch started my normal “rope yarn” Wednesday chores.

Took out trash.
Did a load of laundry. 
Took a nap.
Mile walk.

Nancy said the Gardens was very busy today.  The Butterfly exhibit is a big draw.  

Critter report;

On Tuesday Nancy saw a coyote in our back yard.

Today I scared five deer eating along the edge of Charlevoix not far from condo.

With the nice weather we see a lot of colorful birds.  I will try and find an app with pictures of Mi songbirds.

We had a quick dinner and then at 1845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  The class had several new members.  Nancy and I did not practically like this lecture.

We got home at 2100.  Watched the last episode of Bordertown.  Confusing ending.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Tuesday March 26, 2019
Blog time 1130 at Panera

Took Ms P out at 0630.  It was cold 21 but no wind.  

Nancy is feeling better this morning but still not ready for exercise.  She is having lunch with friends.

I bundled up this morning and headed out into bright sun.  My only problem riding on these cold mornings is keeping my hands warm.  I wear heavy mittens but they do not do the job.  

Calisthenics, walk and row before shower.  It takes me ten minutes to ride to Panera from the Y.  It was 10 degrees warmer than when I started this morning.  

This and that;

I do not like term limits.  If the voters like an elected official they should have the right to keep him in office.

Recreational marijuana is legal in Mi.  My only problem is how do you test.  No test is available like the alcohol breath test.  I would hate to see a heavy equipment operator driving machines on a construction site while under the influence.

Despite all the global warming talk, the world burned more coal last year.  The booming world economy is to blame.

POTUS is talking about payback to all his foes after the release of the Mueller report.  Why not just forgive and get on with running the country.

Pediatrician’s want a tax on sugary drinks.  The food police strike again.  Do we need more regulation?

After months of hyperbole the charges are dropped against Actor Jussie Smollett.  Most folks are outraged.

 Nancy was still at lunch when I got home at 1300.  Changed into my regular clothes and then had lunch.

Nancy reported that she had a nice lunch.  She met with Carol Maston and Becky Verker.  Becky’s friend Phil Hertel has the same birthday April 22 as I do.  We might do dinner on this date.  Phil’s two daughters were in Debbie’s and Missy’s class at Ottawa Hills.  

This afternoon I;

Spent two hours in office filing and paying bills.  Also canceled subscriptions to several magazines I don’t read.

Took a nap

Prepared apple snack

Took a short walk, 0.75 miles.  

For dinner Nancy fixed shepard’s pie.  Also had several croissants and fresh melons.

Dishes, fixed Nancy’s cheese and pill snack before settling down with a glass of wine.

Tonight we watched NCIS.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Bordertown.  I thought I was done watching this show but found out I had two more episodes.  Good news, I like this show. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Monday March 25, 2019

Monday March 29, 2019
Blog time 1150 at Panera

Ms P and I were up at 0620.  Still dark when we went out.  It was 28 degrees but with a bright moon.  So I am assuming sun later.

Nancy is still under the weather so no MVP today.  After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Y in bright sun.

Today I added a mile to my trip to Y, 5.5 mi vs 4.5.  Despite heavy mittens my hands still got cold.

Calisthenics, walk, row and shower at Y.  Lately I have been showering at Y.  I wonder how much am I saving using the Y’s hot water?

This and that;

Is the Trump investigation ending or just getting started?  It is all in the hands of the House.

Look out high school winter sports.  Interscholastic High School  robotics competition is very popular.  Big weekend competition at AHS this weekend.  

The small NE City of Harrisville, population 493, is getting a lot of flack for allowing marijuana stores in the City.  The only municipality in NE MI to do so.
The small counties in rural NE Mi are near the bottom of mi 83 counties in life expectancy, health and poverty.  Is there a solution?

I don’t think there is a world head of state that has taken more flax than the UK’s PM May.  One tough lady.

It was almost 1300 when I left Panera.  Great riding in bright sun.

At home changed out of bike clothes and then a quick lunch.

This afternoon;

Drove to Meijer’s and returned 42 bottles.  Michigan’s bottle law has been a great success.

Second stop was Kohl’s.  My underwear is showing wear. I bought a two weeks supply.  Every two or three years I make this replacement.

Prepared our apple snack.

Took a short nap.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

Light dinner.  Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack. We watched the news, NBC and PBS, and Jeopardy before turning on our Apple TV.  

I got confused today about Apple’s new products.  Will I still read Apple news on my iPad for no charge?  Apple will be getting into the streaming business so what impact will it have on Netflix, Acorn or Amazon, all services we use regularly?  

Tonight we watched an episode of Secret City on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Serangoon Road.  This detective show is set in Singapore in 1964.  I spent a week in Singapore in 1964.  Singapore was not yet independent.  

Monday, March 25, 2019

Sunday March 24, 2019

Sunday March 24, 2019
Blog time 1230 sitting in living room

Up at 0630 and took Ms P out.  It was a pleasant 32 with no wind.  Bright full moon.

Nancy is still under the weather so no walk or church today.

I dressed and walked around the block.  Sure sign Spring is here, the birds were chirping loudly.  Love the sound of birds.  

Breakfast and then made a quick trip to Panera to get Nancy a coffee.  Headed to church in bright sun.

Today is the third Sunday of Lent.  The church was crowded.

Filled up the Escape at Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.79.  Bought yogurt, bananas and eggs.

At home I fixed my bike lights, put on a saddle bag and pumped up the tires.  I am now ready for a full week of bike riding.  Finally!

Lunch, read a few sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.  After the nap;

Took a long walk. 
Checked out the ponds in the back yard.  
Only one of the five ponds is ice free.
Fixed our afternoon apple snack.

For dinner Nancy prepared her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie, bacon and Irish soda bread.  Good meal.

After dinner, fired up the dishwasher.
Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack.  
NCAA BB tournament replaced Sixty Minutes.  
We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders and finished the GRP.  
Nancy headed to bed and I watched the final episode of Hunted.  

Good news tomorrow should be a sunny day. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Saturday March 23, 2019

Saturday March 23, 2019

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning.  She said it was cold, 22, and windy.  

This morning I volunteered to work at Trinity Lutheran.  The renovation is nearly offer so today’s work included moving furniture and office supplies back into the renovated offices.  I signed up for the 9 to noon shift.

Nancy is still under the weather so I drove to Panera for a quick oatmeal breakfast.  I did get Nancy a coffee and made a quick stop at home to give it to her.

I arrived at Trinity exactly on time, 0900.  We had plenty of volunteers.  The work included moving office furniture, supplies and shelving from outdoor storage pods.  I grabbed a dolly and began moving boxes.  I let the young guys move the heavy desks and shelving.  Most of the boxes were under 35#.  By 1130 all items had been moved into the renovated offices.  The work was over.  The folks who volunteered for the afternoon shift lucked out.

Stopped at D&W on way home and bought 1/2# of coleslaw.  At home I did some stretches and then shaved and showered.  Quick lunch before taking an afternoon nap.  Took two Motrin in anticipation of some hip and back pain.

After the nap.
Took a short walk.
Fixed our apple snack.
Finished reading the papers.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed scalloped potatoes with peas and cole slaw.  Very tasty.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Manhunt.  We gave it a B+.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Hunted.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Friday March 22, 2019

Friday March 22, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

We all slept in until 0630 this morning.  It was 35, windy, but with a bright full moon.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP.  She has declared herself over the cold.

After breakfast I got on my summer bike and headed to the Y.  Despite the wind the sun was out so every thing was good.

Did all normal things at Y before heading to Panera.  I have spent too much time reading email and finishing yesterday’s blog.  It is now noon and I have not even started reading the news.

Tonight at 1800 Nancy and I are attending an event at the GR Art Museum.  Four night this week we have been out.  Social Butterflies!

This and that:

The President declared that the Golan Heights are part of Israel much to the disappointment of many allies.

EU and UK have agreed to an extension.  So what?

All the talk at the Y and Panera was about the NCAA BB tournament.  I did not fill out a bracket. 

I have not seen one person running for POTUS that I would vote for.

Kim was just finishing cleaning when I got home.  The house looks good.  

Quick lunch and then read my mail and paid my credit card bill.  I seldom use cash anymore.

Took a nap and then at 1700 we headed to the GR Art Museum.  Tonight was a periodic members only event.  The GRAM provides light snacks and a cash bar.  It is always well attended and the snacks are good.

Tonight’s event was called “Art in Bloom”.  The staff picked fifteen well known paintings and asked local floral artists to create a floral arrangement that replicates the painting.  We were all given a ballot and told to vote for the flower arrangement that best fulfills this criteria.  Many folks got carried away.  I thought several arrangement were quite good.  A very pleasant evening.

It was still light when we headed home.  This evening we watched Manhunt on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Hunted.