Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday October 31, 2015

Halloween Day and today is also the end of DST. It was dark when I left at 0800. Tomorrow we will have sunrise at 0716 instead of 0816. I walked a mile before landing at Panera for oatmeal. It was such a dark, gloomy day that I dilly dallied eating and reading. When I left it was starting to sprinkle so I cut short my long route home. Nancy had a package she wanted mailed and I volunteered. I put on my rain suit put the package in my backpack and walked to Meijer’s. Nancy got a thorn in her thumb while working outside that had festered. This morning she went to an Urgent Care facility near the condo. They gave her a prescription. At Meijer’s I mailed the package, picked up the prescription, bought some epson salt and a cleaner for my partial. It was raining hard when I left but because of the rain suit I took the long route home. When I don’t ride the bike or swim I try to walk 5 miles. I just made it. This afternoon both Nancy and I spent time in our office cleaning our desks. Nancy also did the laundry. I also watched the finals of the World Cup of Rugby between New Zealand and Australia. It was fun to watch. The players are huge and they play the whole game, no commercials. I wonder do Pro Rugby players have the brain injuries that our football players do. About 1600 I took a nap. It is now 1800. We are having soup and ham sandwiches for dinner. Tonight I will watch some of the UM football game and a netflix show. Halloween night and last year at the condo no one showed up. When we were on Mackinaw at least 100 trick or treaters would show up. I remember in 1973 our first year at Mackinaw I took the girls out. It was a warm beautiful night. The streets were jammed with kids. I remember telling Nancy who stayed home with Steve what a great neighborhood we moved into. She agreed. We stayed 41 years.

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