Thursday, October 8, 2015

Wednesday October 7, 2015

Today is my easy Wednesday. Nancy headed out early, 0700, for her two classes at MVP. I took my time getting ready for a bike ride. I left the condo at 0830. Encountered heavy fog so I had to turn the bike lights on. I took my favorite route backwards because I wanted to check the mileage to the SE Y. This Y will close as soon as the new Y opens on Dec 7. We are thinking of joining in Nov so we will have a smooth transition to the new Y. It is 4.8 miles to the SE Y compared to 3.5 miles to MVP. Continued my ride to Ada Village where I stopped for breakfast at a small cafe next to Ada Bike. I had a bowl of oatmeal and it was great. As soon as I got home I got in the Cobalt and headed to the new Orvis store. I bought a pair of moleskin pants. The smallest size they had was a 32. I have been wearing 30 so the pants needed to be altered and Orvis has not yet hired one. I took the pants to Mr Thanh’s. The pants could not be altered. I took the pants back to Orvis. Stopped at Costco to buy some long sleeve winter tees. I now have a weeks supply. I had a quick lunch, took out the garbage and took Ms P on her walk. At 1530 I drove to the Twisted Rooster to have a beer with Rick DeVries. Rick was my first hire. He is now the Assistant GR City Engineer. We had a great time catching up. It is always enjoyable to see someone you knew when they were just starting their career become a success both professionally as well as a super family man. Had a light dinner and then took a two mile walk. Watched some TV before turning in.

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