Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday October 13, 2015

Tuesday is swim day for both Nancy and Bob. Nancy left at 0700 and I headed out at 0830. It was misting when I left so I put a raincoat in my backpack before pedaling to Panera. Lately I have been talking to folks in the road and bridge construction business and they all say the inability to get workers is a big problem. Welders, truck drivers and carpenters are in big demand. The WSJ this morning had an article on the problems the home construction industry nationwide is having getting skilled workers. Maybe schools should forget about trying to get everyone into college and start teaching trades. I was bucking a strong cold wind on my way to MVP. The pool was nearly empty when I started swimming. Maybe the cool water is deterring older swimmers. I swam 30 minutes. Took the long road home. My speedometer said I biked 10 miles. As soon as I got home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We bought peanut butter, wine, rolls, grapes, eggs and bread. I bought two warm weather tees and Nancy bought lotion. After lunch I took a short nap. Took Ms P on her walk and then walked another two miles. I spent some time in my office reading mail and cleaning up. Nancy fixed a Trader Joe’s Steak and Ale pie for dinner. It was good. After the news I headed downstairs and finally got all my mail read. This Saturday is the UM/MSU football game. The week before the game has all the fans worked up. It has always been this way. My Dad went to MSU and my Mother, UM. They both were big fans. I can remember in the early 50s Mom and Dad would hector each other about the game. Dad would bet Mom that if UM won he would do the dishes for a week. In the 50s Dad usually won. If fact I think that during my undergraduate years at UM, 56-60, we never won.

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