Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday October 5, 2015

Monday morning and the alarm was set so Nancy could get to her early class at MVP. However, Nancy was up before the alarm so I also got up. It was foggy and misty this morning. Temps were in the mid-fifties so I wore my knickers. Pumped up the bike tires and headed out on a 14 mile ride. I turned on my front and rear lights because of the fog. I made one stop and that was to the SE YMCA. A new Y is opening in December at the corner of Burton and Knapp approximately 1.5 miles from our condo. This is about 2 miles closer to us than MVP. The facility is huge and has an eight lane pool along with a thermal pool. MVP has the same but their pool only has five lanes. Another feature I like is an indoor running track. The Y opens Dec 7 and the cost is the same as MVP. Nancy and I will join in November. After the bike ride I showered and walked over to Panera for my morning coffee. It looks like the Pacific Nations Trade Pact is coming together. I am all for free trade and am glad the President has strongly supported the pact. I also like the President’s overtures to Cuba. His efforts in the middle east, however, have been a disaster. Nancy made a trip to Trader Joe’s this morning. I took Ms P on her walk and took a quick nap. I ordered corduroy pants and wool rag socks from LL Bean. It it now 1709 and I am heading out for a two mile walk. Stay turned. I finished my walk just in time for dinner. We are now watching the PBS News Hour and at 2000 we will watch Big Bang. Finish our waking hours with a netflix show.

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