Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday October 21, 2015

We had some heavy rains roll through last night. Today is my easy day. I got on bike and was planning to take a short ride and have breakfast at Panera. However it was such a nice fresh day that I pedaled to Ada and had oatmeal at Nonna’s. They have the best oatmeal in the GR area. I was almost home when my iPhone rang and it was Ken Lotterman, our computer guru. As I have written recently our netflix keeps bombing several times during a hour show. We are also having problems with the wifi cutting out several times a week. Our netflix now uses a phone line instead of wifi. We checked it out and found we can now get a HD display. During our short test the system seems stable. Our router was getting old so Ken replaced it. I hope his visit solves all our internet problems. Every year Design Design has a big sale. Greeting cards, wrapping paper, gift bags and other paper products they make are sold at 70-80% off. I drove Nancy because of the difficulty finding a parking space downtown. Nancy bought a lot of stuff. At home I took Ms P on her daily walk. It started raining hard 500 feet from the condo. I ended the afternoon with a short nap. We had a light dinner and now are watching PBS news. At 2000 we will watch The Mysteries of Laura and then check out our reconfigured netflix. The temperature today reached 70, probably the last time this year. Cold front moves through tonight. I got my 30 in today I hope you did too.

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